Author Archives: SpaceScholar

New Cyber, Math, and STEM hardcover books released March 2021

All the new hardcover cyber, math, and science books released March 2021 that I could find Cyber Cyber Cyber Cyber Cyber Cyber14n Cyber17n Math NONE STEM STEM As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.    

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Astronomy and Planetary Science hardcover books released March 2021

All the new hardcover astronomy and planetary science books released March 2021 that I could find Astr Astro1n Astro23n astro30n Astro5n Plan Plan Plan Plan31n Plan31n As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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How the technology monster can be tamed to make our lives better with Benjamin Pring

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS How the technology monster can be tamed to make our lives better with Benjamin Pring Check out the book here Interview Timeline Ben Pring is the head of thought … Continue reading

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Space Science and Technology Research roundup March 22, 2021

Black Hole masses #TASAstronomy Study of Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence #TASArtificialIntelligence Article on Venus’ atmosphere #TASPlanetaryScience Lunar soil profiles #TASPlanetaryScience Space Optical clocks and vibration #TASSpace Detecting Earth-orbiting objects #TASAstronomy Orbits for a future … Continue reading

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New Artificial Intelligence and Robotics hardcover books released March 2021

All the new hardcover artificial intelligence and robotics books released March 2021 that I could find Artificial Intelligence AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI Robotics Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Robot As an Amazon Associate I … Continue reading

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New Space hardcover books released March 2021

All the new hardcover space books released March 2021 that I could find BUSINESS Sbus Bus2n EXPLORATION Exp16n Exp2n exp31n Above – A Brief Introduction to the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Life TECHNOLOGY Stech Stech Stech Above – High-thoroughput Satellites Stech … Continue reading

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New Technology hardcover books released March 2021

All the new technology hardcover books released March 2021 that I could find Tech Tech Tech Above – Static Fields and Potentials Tech Above –DNA Nanotechnology Tech Tech Tech Tech Above – Fm (De Gruyter Textbook) Tech Tech Tech Tech … Continue reading

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New Science hardcover books released March 2021

New Science hardcover books released March 2021 All the new science hardcover books released March 2021 that I could find Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci Sci25n Above – Particle Physics at the Year of 150th Anniversary … Continue reading

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How to discover volcanoes on Io before anyone else and other interesting stories from James Miller

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS How to discover volcanoes on Io before anyone else and other interesting stories from James Miller Check out the book here Interview Timeline James Miller has decades of experience … Continue reading

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How a female astronomer broke barriers and made waves in astronomy with Jacqueline and Simon Mitton

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS How a female astronomer broke barriers and made waves in astronomy with Jacqueline and Simon Mitton Check out the book here Interview Timeline Jacqueline Mitton has published over thirty … Continue reading

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