- Effect of carbonated recycled aggregates on the mechanical properties and bonding performance of polyurethane mortar as a repair material
- A Crow Search Algorithm integrated with Lévy flight and dynamic awareness probability for optimized numerical control machining parameters
- Dynamic sink movement strategy for expedited query processing in Internet of things-based sensor networks
- Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Digital Twin Systems Engineering Towards the Industrial Metaverse in the Era of Industry 5.0
- Eco-friendly Grinding: A Bibliometric and Knowledge Map Analysis
- Dynamic Modeling of a Novel Multi-Loop Multi-Body Mechanism of Face-Shovel Excavator
- Contact Dynamics Modeling and Control During the Combination Process of Air-Ground Robots
- Modeling trends in multicomponent gas membrane separation process: a review
- Predictive Ecological Cooperative Control of Electric Vehicles Platoon on Hilly Roads
- Unveiling the Deformation Mechanism of High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel with Gradient Dislocation-Cell Structure
- Flow Field Design and Experiments on Electrochemical Machining of Blisk Channels Using Multiple Tube Electrode
- Lubricant Transport Mechanism and Dynamics Model for Nepenthes-shaped Biomimetic Microtexture
- Construction project change management in Indian construction industry: status, importance and impact
- Rule-Guidance Reinforcement Learning for Lane Change Decision-making: A Risk Assessment Approach
- Effect of Tooth Geometry on Multi-cycle Meshing Temperature of POM Worm Gears: Parametric Study via an Adaptive Iteration Algorithm
- Kinematic Calibration of a 5-DoF Parallel Machining Robot with a Novel Adaptive and Weighted Identification Method Based on Generalized Cross Validation
- Multi-Channel Electrolyte Supply for Electrochemical Trepanning of Blisks Using Rotational Feeding Combined with Shift Feeding
- Prediction Method for Carbon Emission of Hobbing Based on Cross-Process Data Fusion
- Adaptative Pressure Estimation and Control Architecture for Integrated Electro-Hydraulic Brake System
- Optimum design of reinforced concrete continuous beam and slab systems using genetic algorithms
- Mechanical Response and Superelastic Properties of Cu-11.85Al-3.2Mn-0.1Ti TPMS Structures Printed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
- Correction to: Microstructure homogenization: human vs. machine
- Experimental and numerical behavior of strengthened reinforced concrete slabs
- Advances in controlling composting odor: a review of the last decade
- Monitoring and analyzing land use changes for sustainable development in Teluk Bahang, Penang, Malaysia: a GIS-based approach
- Structural Topology Design for Electromagnetic Performance Enhancement of Permanent-Magnet Machines
- Numerical study of seismic performance of grooved metallic-yielding damper made from shape memory alloys
- Surface Quality Improvement of Aerospace Material of Inconel 718 by GOV (Flow Peening) Process
- Research on Hierarchical Motion Control of Corner Module Configuration Intelligent Electric Vehicle
- An Investigation of Vibrations of a Flexible Rotor System with the Unbalanced Force and Time-Varying Bearing Force
- Energy-efficient cluster head selection in Internet of Things networks using an optimized evaporation rate water-cycle algorithm
- State-of-the-art Review of Metallic Microneedles: Structure, Fabrication, and Application
- Coordinated Regulation of Bonding Interfacial Structure and Mechanical Properties of Al/Mg Alloy Composite Plates by Electrically Assisted Rolling
- Numerical modeling of scale load testing on spread footings in sandy soil: a comparative analysis of HSM and HYPO-Small models
- Automated model for fault detection in grid-connected solar systems
- Active Control Method for Frequency Domain Error of Aerostatic Spindle Based on Acoustic Levitation
- Neural Network Adaptive Hierarchical Sliding Mode Control for the Trajectory Tracking of a Tendon-Driven Manipulator
- An Iterative Tuning Method for Feedforward Control of Parallel Manipulators Considering Nonlinear Dynamics
- Experimental evaluation of yield stress-thixotropy of waste fly-ash added drilling fluid: in context with HPHT/geothermal well drilling
- Study on the mineral processing technology of copper-nickel sulfide ore
- Pounding along expansion joints in steel moment resisting frames
- Study on solidification modification and engineering characteristics of solid waste-based cementitious materials on pile spoil
- Collaborative Improvement of Structure Shape and Surface Integrity in Titanium Alloy Hole Burnishing
- Understanding the Machining Process of Hierarchical Micro/Nanograting Structures Used for Optical Variable Device
- Cutting Force and State Identification in High-Speed Milling: a Semi-Analytical Multi-Dimensional Approach
- Effect of Pulsed Laser Welding Process on Microstructure, Crystallization, and Mechanical Properties of Zr57Nb5Cu15.4Ni12.6Al10 Bulk Metallic Glass
- Prediction of the sound absorption performance for micro-perforated panel based on machine learning
- A segregated reduced-order model of a pressure-based solver for turbulent compressible flows
- Parametric modeling in cold extrusion of Al 2014 alloy using Taguchi method–based GRA
- Characterization of Anisotropy in Additively Manufactured Materials through Instrumented Indentation Testing
- Research on construction risk assessment method of shield tunnel based on subjective and objective weights
- Multi-classification of breast cancer histopathological image using enhanced shallow convolutional neural network
- An Integrated Experimental-Simulation Calibration Method for the Constitutive Model of 6005A-T6 Aluminum Alloy Welds
- Study on Dry Electrical Discharge Assisted Grinding of SiCp/Al Composite
- Examining the influence of fiber orientation and cross-sectional geometry on the absorption capability of epoxy/carbon composite absorbents
- Fracture characteristics of slag-based geopolymer mortars with recycled aggregates under mode I and mode II Loading
- Analysis and Experimental Study on the Internal Flow Performance of Deep-Sea Biological Pumping Sampler
- Investigation of the lateral performance of trapezoidal double corrugated steel shear walls with two different corrugation angles
- Assessing the backwater rise of floating barriers with racks for various blockages in open channels
- ROITP: Road Obstacle-Involved Trajectory Planner for Autonomous Trucks
- Mitigating strength loss in mortar due to application delay: quantified impact of additional water and cement
- Modeling of masonry infilled RC frames with different aspect ratios using plastic hinge and equivalent strut
- Enhancing undrained shear strength prediction: a robust hybrid machine learning approach with naïve Bayes modeling
- Unmanned aerial vehicle aerial image stitching method based on superpixel segmentation
- Optimization and experimental validation of a high-efficiency oil–water cyclone separator for well testing conditions
- Designing Load-Bearing Bio-Inspired Materials for Simultaneous Static Properties and Dynamic Damping: Multi-Objective Optimization for Micro-Structure
- Effects of Different Cooling Processes on the Structure and Properties of Aluminum/Steel Composite Plate
- Research on the lightweight detection method of rail internal damage based on improved YOLOv8
- UAV swarms: research, challenges, and future directions
- Performance characteristics of shell and tube heat exchanger using sectoral baffle
- Extrapolation of cavitation and hydrodynamic pressure in lubricated contacts: a physics-informed neural network approach
- Vibration control and energy harvesting of adjacent structures by electromagnetic dampers considering soil-structure interaction
- Research on refined UAV inspection method of wind/solar power stations based on YOLOv8
- Identifying and evaluating causes of waste effect in green building projects
- Correction: A Pressure-Bearing Microwave Transmission Line for Rapid Energy-Efficient Manufacturing Systems of High-End Composite Parts
- Discovering non-associated pressure-sensitive plasticity models with EUCLID
- Review of sustainable temporary housing and reuse strategy for post-disaster architectures: current trends and strategic gaps
- A novel 8T SRAM cell using PFC and PPC VS-CNTFET transistor
- Knowledge Driven Machine Learning Towards Interpretable Intelligent Prognostics and Health Management: Review and Case Study
- Research on Mechanical Aging Behavior of Grease in Rolling Bearing
- Automating skin cancer screening: a deep learning
- Investigation into the reduction of aerodynamic drag via external windshields on high-speed trains
- Non-Linear Increase of the Real Contact Area of PMMA Blocks and the Related Contact Model
- Performance enhancement of gas cyclone with streamlined ports using CFD simulations
- A comparative study of hybrid adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems to predict the unconfined compressive strength of rocks
- Multi-response optimization of friction stir welding process parameter of AA 5083 with Taguchi-VIKOR approach
- Investigating the distribution of heat transfer in a thick-walled functionally graded cylindrical shell under heat flux
- Application of Fuzzy Inference System in Gas Turbine Engine Fault Diagnosis Against Measurement Uncertainties
- Mixture of Experts Framework Based on Soft Actor-Critic Algorithm for Highway Decision-Making of Connected and Automated Vehicles
- Milling Characteristics and Damage Assessment of Ultrasonic Vibration-Assisted End Milling Cf/SiC Composites
- Adaptive Dead Zone Compensation Control Method for Electro-Hydrostatic Actuators Under Low-Speed Conditions
- Quasi-Static and Dynamic Collapse Behavior of Circular Foam-Filled Tubes Inspired by Bamboos
- Stress Corrosion Behavior of MIG Welded Joints of 6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy at Different Temperatures
- Performance of hump slab track in sandstorms using simulation and a wind tunnel experiment
- Design of CCM boost converter using fractional-order PID and neural-network techniques for power factor correction
- Numerical investigation of aerodynamic performance in a morphing wing with flexible leading edge using computational fluid dynamics
- Prediction and parametric assessment of soil one-dimensional vertical free swelling potential using ensemble machine learning models
- Retraction Note: Current design of rectangular steel silos: limitations and improvement
- Comparative study to analyze the overall performance of upstream and downstream wedge ribs microchannels using thermal lattice Boltzmann method
- Liner Damage Analysis for Hydrogen Storage Vessels Subjected to Local Compressive Loads Using the Submodeling Method
- Study on the Relationship Between Vibration Signals in CFRP Grinding and Grinding Mechanism
- Application of high-strength ECC in the repair and reinforcement of deep vertical shaft lining
- Feasibility Study on Magnetorheological Finishing of Thin Copper Substrate
- Enhancing seawater desalination efficiency through optimized pulsed electric field parameters in electrodialysis
- Massively parallel phase field fracture simulations on supercomputers: towards multi-billion degree-of-freedom computations
- Optimal design of round-oval-round roll pass for the steel bar rolling process
- Enhancing seismic resilience of steel frames through a novel passive control system with non-buckling metal braces
- Digital Twin-Based Production-Logistics Synchronization System for Satellite Mass Assembly Shop-Floor
- Impact of integrating type-1 distributed generation on distribution network using modified genetic algorithm and voltage stability index: a technical and cost–benefit analysis approach
- Towards a real-time simulation of elastoplastic deformation using multi-task neural networks
- State of art on the role of using a nanofluid in enhancing heat transfer in microchannels with different geometries
- Topological Design of a Nanosatellite Structure with Optimal Frequency Responses Filled by Non-Uniform Lattices
- Blockchain-based smart grid power trading technology
- Understanding deviations from original equipment manufacturers’ maintenance recommendations: reasons, barriers, and benefits
- Surrogate model-driven multi-parameter optimization of four distinct combustion chambers in a four-stroke diesel engine
- A Pressure-Bearing Microwave Transmission Line for Rapid Energy-Efficient Manufacturing Systems of High-End Composite Parts
- Data-driven material modeling based on the Constitutive Relation Error
- Design and Analysis of a Novel Schönflies Motion Parallel Robot with Full Cycle Rotation
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TC4 Titanium Alloy Joint Fabricated By Vortex Flow-Based Friction Stir Welding
- Review on Control Strategies for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Model Uncertainties
- Cutting Force Modeling Considering Wiper Edge Cutting Effect During Face Milling of 316H Stainless Steel and Experimental Verification
- Hybrid Robotic Arm for Autonomous Aerial Refueling
- Non-singular fast terminal sliding mode control of robotic manipulator with prescribed performance
- Variable-Diameter Deployable Structure Composite Preforms Made by Braiding and Needle-Punching Integrated Forming Technology
- Multi-Objective Trajectory Optimization for Rigid-Flexible Coupling Spray-Painting Robot Integrated with Coating Process Constraints
- Inhibition Mechanism of the Interface Reaction in the Molten Pool of SiCp/Al Composites by Pulsed Laser Welding with Powder-Filling
- Investigation Study of Structure Real Load Spectra Acquisition and Fatigue Life Prediction Based on the Optimized Efficient Hinging Hyperplane Neural Network Model
- Reduced order modeling of blood perfusion in parametric multipatch liver lobules
- Efficient Hierarchical Kriging Modeling Method for High-dimension Multi-fidelity Problems
- Symbolic model order reduction: a new state feedback approach for simplified control and verification
- Pseudo-static analytical formulation for seismic thrust on cantilever retaining walls in C-Φ soils considering double failure planes
- Research on Force-Saving Mechanism of Cutting Tool with Variable Curvature Directrix Rake Face Configuration
- Effect of Pulsed Current Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of 304 Stainless Steel Ultra-Thin Strip after Rolling
- Cause Analysis of Rail Corrugation in Metro Lines Based on System Vibration Characteristics
- Research on Parameters Optimization of Rectangular Pole Teeth for Magnetic Fluid Seals
- The cLVSM: A Novel Compact Linear Variable Stiffness Mechanism Based on Circular Beams
- Material Removal Uniformity in Water Dissolution Ultraprecision Continuous Polishing for Large-Size Water-Soluble Crystals
- Microstructure homogenization: human vs machine
- Genetic Algorithm Optimization Design of Gradient Conformal Chiral Metamaterials and 3D Printing Verification for Morphing Wings
- Interfacial Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of TiC Reinforced GH 3230 Superalloy Manufactured by Laser Metal Deposition
- Automatic segmentation, classification, and prediction of pelvic bone tumors using deep learning techniques
- Deep Learning-Based Invalid Point Removal Method for Fringe Projection Profilometry
- Tracking and Fault-Tolerant Controller Design for Uncertain Steer-by-Wire Systems Using Model Predictive Control
- Enhanced Surface Mechanical and Tribological Properties of H13 Die Steel with TiAlSiN Coating Deposited by HiPIMS
- Convergence rate sliding mode control of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on expanded sliding mode observer
- Novel Multipoint-drive Rotary Actuator for Extraterrestrial Celestial Ultrasonic Driller
- Impact of graphite nano/microplatelets on the mechanical and durability performance of concrete by incorporating mill scale waste
- Modified Slow-Strain-Rate Tensile Testing Method for Evaluation of Room-temperature Hydrogen Embrittlement Susceptibility and Its Application to 23Cr2Ni4MoV Steel
- Experimental Investigation of the Micro-Milling of Additively Manufactured Titanium Alloys: Selective Laser Melting and Wrought Ti6Al4V
- Configuration Design and Size Optimization of a High-Precision Novel Parallel Pointing Mechanism Based on Interference Separation
- An Untethered Soft-Swallowing Robot with Enhanced Heat Resistance, Damage Tolerance, and Impact Mitigation
- Research on Influence Mechanism of Nozzle Structure on Properties of Thick Carbon Steel Plate by Laser Cutting
- Physics-informed two-tier neural network for non-linear model order reduction
- A consistent diffuse-interface model for two-phase flow problems with rapid evaporation
- Physics-Informed Neural Networks-Based Online Excavation Trajectory Planning for Unmanned Excavator
- Effect of Process Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Simultaneous Double-Sided Friction Stir Welding Joints
- Influence of particle density on turbulence characteristics over a rough surface
- Design of a Novel Macro-Micro Integrated Brain Surgery Robot Based on Modular Parallel Mechanisms
- Contact Stiffness Identification Method for Joint Surface and the Effect of Contact Stiffness on the Dynamic Response of the Cable Bracket
- Data-driven multivariate time series prediction of in-vehicle equipment failure rates
- A numerical investigation on rheological turbulent flow through a 90° mixing elbow
- Modeling local scour around complex bridge supports using CFD and a shear-stresses-based simplified approach
- High-Speed and Low-Noise Gear Finishing by Gear Grinding and Honing: A Review
- Mechanical Properties Optimization and Microstructure Analysis of Pure Copper Heterostructured Laminates via Rolling
- A fast prediction method of fatigue life for crane structure based on Stacking ensemble learning model
- Research on aerodynamic characteristics of high-velocity train bogies
- A review of emerging hydroforming technologies: design considerations, parametric studies, and recent innovations
- Investigating the behavior of vertical trapezoidal CSSWs stiffened with flat steel plate
- Effect of Structural Configurations on Mechanical and Shape Recovery Properties of NiTi Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Porous Structures
- Bio-inhibitive corrosion effect of carica papaya leaf extract on cold-rolled mild steel in 0.1 M HCl solution
- Engagement/Disengagement Characteristics of Pull-Type Diaphragm Spring Clutch for Heavy-Duty Commercial Vehicles
- Compressive Mechanical and Heat Conduction Properties of AlSi10Mg Gradient Metamaterials Fabricated via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
- Modelling Method and Meshing Characteristics of a Novel Curve-Surface Conjugate Internal Gear Drive
- Deformation Evolution and Perceptual Prediction for Additive Manufacturing of Lightweight Composite Driven by Hybrid Digital Twins
- Dynamic Analysis of Metamorphic Mechanisms with Impact Effects During Configuration Transformation
- Development of PCM tile for residential buildings in hot and dry climate: design and optimization
- Research on wheel/rail contact surface temperature and damage characteristics during sliding contact of a wheel
- Evaluation of blast-induced progressive collapse in steel structures with conventional braces, moment-resisting braces, and buckling-restrained braces using LS-DYNA software
- Control system design for azimuth position of earth station antennas
- Variable Admittance Control of High Compatibility Exoskeleton Based on Human–Robotic Interaction Force
- Fuzzy Adaptive State Estimation of Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles with Random Missing Measurements and Unknown Process Noise
- Planning of a Single Flow Channel in Valve Blocks Based on Additive Manufacturing and the Ant Colony Algorithm
- Effect of Pulse Current on Interface Microstructure and Bonding Properties of TA1/304 Double-Layer Clad plates
- New Multi-Channel VSMFxLMS Algorithm for Vibration Reduction of Gear Systems
- A Review on Combined Strategy of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation and Robotic Therapy
- Contour Detection Algorithm for α Phase Structure of TB6 Titanium Alloy fused with Multi-Scale Fretting Features
- Dynamic Analysis of Geared Rotor System with Hybrid Uncertainties
- Bearing fault diagnosis based on enhanced Canberra distance feature in SDP image
- Influence of Multiple Repair Welding on Microstructure and Properties of 06Cr19Ni10 Stainless Steel
- A new approach for optimal design of intensive care unit
- Trajectory mapping through channel state information by triangulation method and fine-tuning
- Modeling, simulations, and Simulink developments in the analysis of optimal control of temperature and pH in a batch ethanol fermentation process
- An artificial neural network visible mathematical model for predicting slug liquid holdup in low to high viscosity multiphase flow for horizontal to vertical pipes
- Integrating theory and practice in value engineering within Egypt’s construction industry
- Design and Optimization Analysis of an Adaptive Knee Exoskeleton
- Prediction of moisture content of cement-stabilized earth blocks using soil characteristics, cement content, and ultrasonic pulse velocity
- Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Hydraulic Quadruped Robots Rotary Joints for Improved Impact Resistance
- Application of graph neural networks to predict explosion-induced transient flow
- An enhanced stochastic error modeling using multi-Gauss–Markov processes for GNSS/INS integration system
- Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Multifunctional Bio-inspired Vertical Honeycomb Sandwich Structures: For the Application of Lightweight Bipolar Plates of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
- In-Situ Hydrophobic Protective Layer for Suppressing Hydrogen Evolution Corrosion and Enabling High-Efficiency Silicon-Air Batteries with Wide Temperature Adaptability
- Humidity Responsive Lubrication Mechanisms of La2O3-Serpentine-PTFE Composites
- PTFE-modified micro-nano porous structured surfaces: Experimental and numerical insights into enhancement of boiling heat transfer
- Energy-Balance modeling of coalescence-induced droplet jumping on flat surfaces and slingshot structures
- Simulation of single-phase and subcooled flow boiling in manifold microchannel heat sinks with micro-pin-fin wall
- Effect of blade rotation on aerothermal characteristics of blade tip with different cavity scales
- Damage mechanism and residual tensile strength of CFRP laminates subjected to high-velocity sand erosion
- Gradient Structure Regulation of Liquid Metal Composite Based on Synergistic Effect of Metal Coordination and Acoustic Field for Soft Electronics
- A new paradigm for hybrid reliability-based design optimization: From β-circle to β-cylinder
- A model-constrained discontinuous Galerkin Network (DGNet) for compressible Euler equations with out-of-distribution generalization
- A generalized non-hourglass updated Lagrangian formulation for SPH solid dynamics
- The Shifted Boundary Method for contact problems
- Frictional contact between solids: A fully Eulerian phase-field approach
- SK-PINN: Accelerated physics-informed deep learning by smoothing kernel gradients
- Information entropy regularization method for structural identification with large-scale damaged parameters
- Populating cellular metamaterials on the extrema of attainable elasticity through neuroevolution
- Pulsed laser engineering of composite submicron particles in colloidal systems: a high-performance catalyst for ethanol fuel cells
- Study on the atomization and vaporization characteristics of kerosene with dual-stage counter-rotating nozzle
- Numerical and experimental investigation on extreme optimization of thermal behavior for large-capacity battery modules with rear-inlet air cooling
- Spatio-temporal transfer learning for multiphase flow prediction in the fluidized bed reactor
- Experimental study of impurity elements influence on heat transfer performance of high temperature sodium heat pipe
- Performance and energy evaluation of R450A, R1234yf, R513A, R516A, R152A, and R1234ze(E) as alternatives to R134A in an air conditioner
- Employing sugar alcohol-based phase change material for integrated compact thermal battery (ICTB): experimental exploration for future configuration of modern space heating with thermal storage
- Multi-objective optimization on thermal–hydraulic performance of symmetrical hierarchical microchannel heat sinks
- Investigation of heat transfer characteristics of CaCO3 pellets during the thermochemical energy storage process in a packed-bed reactor: A dual-scale (2D + 1D) transient numerical study
- Evaluating the heat transfer characteristics of mesh-fed slot cooling configuration: Influence of slot height and pin-fin arrangement
- General framework for hermetic scroll expander modelling derived from commercial compressor
- Ammonia-enhanced calcium looping for carbon reduction in natural gas combined cycle plants
- Optimization of thermal resistance and thermal deformation in high heat-load zone of blast furnace cooling staves
- Implementation of hierarchical dendritic wicks in vapor chambers for high-power heat dissipation applications
- Highly efficient adsorption cooling system employing aluminium based adsorbents and water pair
- Experimental study of heat transfer performance of a large-area loop heat pipe heat spreader base on biomimetic leaf veins
- Improving heat dissipation characteristics of concurrent flow through a novel mini- and micro-channel stacked double-layer heat sink
- Design and validation of a combustion chamber for internal combustion engines operated with methane based fuels
- Numerical analysis of the steady and transient operating characteristics of the flue gas molten salt heat storage system
- Key conditional quotient of random finite element model under measurement conditions
- Data-driven elastoplastic constitutive modelling with physics-informed RNNs using the Virtual Fields Method for indirect training
- Teaching artificial intelligence to perform rapid, resolution-invariant grain growth modeling via Fourier Neural Operator
- A competitive baseline for deep learning enhanced data assimilation using conditional Gaussian ensemble Kalman filtering
- Analysis of heat transfer performance and energy efficiency of the microchannel combined with ultrasound waves and nanofluid
- Advancing photovoltaic thermal module efficiency through optimized heat sink designs
- Internal pressure variation during the thermal runaway of lithium-ion batteries at different state-of-charge
- High accuracy transient thermal modeling for high-burst motor thermal management system based on phase change materials
- RoePINNs: An integration of advanced CFD solvers with Physics-Informed Neural Networks and application in arterial flow modeling
- Customized Gaussian process for representing polycrystalline texture
- High-velocity impact response of shear thickening fluid-filled sandwich lattice panels
- Multifunctional composite ionogel-based sensors for chronic disease surveillance and health monitoring
- 2-D CFD modeling for steam gasification of a large biomass char particle
- Microscopic flow simulation of acid rock chemical reactions in multi-scale and multi-mineral porous media
- A study on the development of digital model of digital twin in nuclear power plant based on a hybrid physics and data-driven approach
- Ignition probability prediction method based on Lagrangian flame particle tracking
- Experimental study on the heat transfer performance of finned-tube heat exchangers in latent thermal energy storages: Effects of PCM types and operating conditions
- Performance analysis of a heat pump coupled humidification-dehumidification desalination system with a large temperature difference using an ejector
- Investigation of heat transfer characteristics and effective thermal conductivity in a 3-D water–rock fracture structure
- Investigating the impact of groundwater flow on multi-lateral, U-Type, advanced geothermal systems
- Combustion characteristics of solid fuel ramjets with multi-ring diaphragms
- Energy stable and structure-preserving algorithms for the stochastic Galerkin system of 2D shallow water equations
- Multi-objective Bayesian optimisation of spinodoid cellular structures for crush energy absorption
- Enhanced tensile properties of 3D printed soft-hard composites due to Poisson’s ratio mismatch: Experimental and numerical study
- Analysis on the combustion performance of ammonia-hydrogen coaxial stratified injection in low speed marine engine
- An analytical model for the short-term response of energy piles considering temperature variation effect at the pile-soil interface
- Numerical and experimental study on characterization of oil-free linear compressor
- Modeling and performance analysis of solar energy and biogas complementary heating system in rural areas
- Thermo-economic evaluation of a solar and SOFC-based power and freshwater co-production system
- Development of a 0.3 mm ultra-thin loop heat pipe for 10 W heat dissipation in thin mobile devices
- Experimental study on liquid sodium capillary dynamics in screen wicks
- A dual-layer modelling method for characterizing and optimizing the energy flexibility of building heating systems
- Study on performance and layout optimization of buried heat exchangers array in Karst landform
- Validation of a multidimensional CFD approach for ethanol-fueled spark ignition engines at knock-limited conditions
- Effect of intake oxygen concentration and ammonia energy ratio on combustion and emission characteristics of ammonia/diesel RCCI engine under low load
- Similarity criteria for advanced cooling of deep mines based on synergetic mining of mine geothermal energy
- Achieving the simultaneous improvement of degradation, thermal, and mechanical properties of polylactic acid composite films by carbon quantum dots
- Ultra Stable and Stretchable Liquid-Metal Precisely Patterned Circuits for Integrated Wearable Devices under Heat-Pressed
- In Situ Multi-Metal Alloying in Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing: A Concise Review
- Investigating Interfacial Properties vs Interphase Thickness in a Thermoplastic Composite
- Shock Response of Unidirectional Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites: Influences of Fibre Orientation and Volume Fraction
- Interfacial behaviour of bonding between ultra-high performance concrete and concrete substrate: Evolution of microstructure and micromechanical properties
- Corrigendum to “Elastic recovery induced strengthening effect in copper/multilayer-graphene interface regions revealed by instrumental nanoindentation” [Compos Part B 216 (2021) 108832]
- Rapid estimation of residual stress in composite laminates using a deep operator network
- A barnacle-inspired interface for enhancing the interfacial properties of carbon fiber-reinforced poly(phthalazinone ether nitrile ketone) composite
- Innovative Strategy to Reduce Autogenous Shrinkage in Alkali-Activated Slag Using Hydrophilic Carbon Nanotube Sponge
- Classification and Prediction of Flexural Properties of Bamboo Slices Made from Flattened Bamboo with a Gradient Structure Based on GA-BP Neural Network Model
- A novel near-α high temperature titanium alloy with trimodal microstructure and submicron-nanosilicides for superior mechanical properties at both room and elevated temperatures
- Numerical analysis and correlation comparison of void fraction in refrigerant two-phase flow in horizontal tubes
- Application of grayscale analysis in heat transfer topology optimization: A study on the impact of filter radius on numerical stability and thermodynamic performance
- Design optimization of thermochemical reactor for 1 TR adsorption cooling systems
- Efficient thermal management of PEM fuel cells using cascaded multi-layer phase change materials: Analysis of series and parallel configurations
- Effect of temperature on composite fouling deposition characteristics of silica particle and calcium carbonate: A molecular dynamics study
- Optimization of objective temperature for battery heating at low temperatures to improve driving range and battery lifetime of battery electric vehicles
- Influence of the deflector surface configuration on thermal environment during rocket launching
- Internally stowed, radially deployed radiator panels for passive CubeSat thermal control
- Design and thermal management study of fuel cell spray cooling system
- Effect of micro-cavities structured surfaces on bubble dynamics and pool boiling heat transfer enhancement
- Experimental and simulation investigation of heat and mass transfer in a calcium carbide heat collection system
- Investigation on thermodynamic characteristics of refrigerants for high temperature heat pumps based on the principle of corresponding states
- Influence of straight tube on serpentine tube heat exchanger with supercritical pressure fluid
- Production capacity of enhanced coaxial borehole heat exchangers in horizontal wells through forced seepage
- Numerical investigation of the effect of mixing vane shape on phase distribution in a rod bundle channel with mixing grid
- Boundary settings for seismic dynamic analysis of rock masses using the nodal-based continuous-discontinuous deformation analysis method
- EM-based fast uncertainty quantification for bayesian multi-setup operational modal analysis
- On a canonical interface model with application to micro-heterogeneous elastic solids
- The Lagrangian-Eulerian described Particle Flow Topology Optimization (PFTO) approach with isogeometric material point method
- The Junction Riemann Problem in 1D shallow water channels including supercritical flow conditions
- Residual stress-constrained space–time topology optimization for multi-axis additive manufacturing
- An improved multi-point source radiant heat transfer model for asymmetric multiple pool fire scenarios
- NPR effect on energy absorption enhancement of star-shaped honeycomb filled shear thickening fluids under impact
- A Review of Structural Topology Optimization for Fiber-Reinforced Composites
- Preform variability propagation in non-crimp fabric (NCF) forming
- Enhancing wood-plastic composites for high-performance structural applications
- Boosting the interlaminar toughening capacity of PBO microfiber for carbon fiber laminates through the interface regulation of interleaving layer
- Machine learning powered inverse design for strain fields of hierarchical architectures
- Thin-shell thermoplastic composites with tunable out-of-plane properties: The interplay of layer thickness and cooling rate
- A Step Toward Digital Twin Accuracy in Composite Manufacturing: Pioneering Contour Method in Polymer Composites
- Corrigendum to “Near-Infrared light-triggered smart response platform integrating CeO2@Black phosphorus for enhanced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and osseointegration properties of titanium implants” [Composites Part B Eng. 291 (2025) 112044]
- Highly conductive surface-localized silver-enriched elastic conductors as a universal platform for skin electronics
- Ultra-wear-resistant high-entropy nanocomposite through gradient nanograined glaze-layer at 1000°C
- Low dielectric and high thermal conductivity polyimide nanocomposites with fully closed-loop recycling and highly consistent healing
- Anisotropic topology optimization and 3D printing for composite structures with tailored continuous carbon fiber paths
- Fast diffusion and High C2H2 Capture in a 2D MOF with Oxygen-riched Wide Channels for Efficient C2H2/CO2 Separation
- A Review of thermoplastic composites on wind turbine blades
- Direct growth of hierarchical nickel tin cobalt sulfide thin film on Ni foam as a high-performance electrode for hybrid supercapacitor
- A comprehensive investigation into the influence of variation in the stacking sequence on the mechanical behaviour and drilling machinability of basalt fiber-reinforced composite tubes
- Scaffold internal network bioprinting for vascularized tissue regeneration
- Study on a novel dual heat transfer fluid central receiver based on two-level division of non-uniform solar flux
- Investigation of fire rate in a porous media reactor with hollow spheres as packed bed
- Development of heated-brine-spraying system for concrete pavement deicing using latent heat thermal energy storage
- Hybrid thermal management of solar photovoltaics using gas and liquid channel cooling with numerical and experimental analysis
- Experimental investigation of the performance of an Industrial-Grade Schwartz-D heat exchanger
- Highly efficient boiling heat transfer of copper surface with sub-10 µm channels fabricated by elliptical vibration chiseling
- Performance study of a compact battery module integrated with thermal spreader and L-shaped heat pipes under high discharge rates
- Impact of adjacent spray–plume interaction on far-field droplet characteristics in rotary slinger atomizers
- Development of heat generation correlations for 18650 Li-ion batteries with widely used cathode materials
- Experimental investigation on energy and resilience performance of spherical PCM-assisted EAHE system for underground buildings
- PMV modification model for low-pressure and non-uniform indoor environment
- Multifluid flow dynamics of core relocation in pressurized water reactors
- Heat transfer characteristics of acetone and methanol flow boiling in parallel microchannel heat sink: A parametric study and assessment of predictive correlations
- An experimental investigation on phase-change transpiration cooling with SiC porous ceramic
- Optimizing electronic component cooling with nanofluid jet flow in inverted T-shaped channel
- Curved M–shaped runner-incorporated thermal design for magnetorheological micro-brake
- Enhancement of R245fa in-tube flow boiling heat transfer through gradient porous coating structures
- Designing reinforcement learning algorithms for building HVAC control: From experimental observation to simulation comparisons
- A study on the optimal adjustment of a turbocharged marine compression-ignition engine with double pilot fuel injection operating under a diesel─H2 dual fuel
- AHU heat exchanger performance tracking during the building operational phase
- Experimental evaluation of the combustion process of H2-assisted flame jet ignition conditions in a direct injection gasoline SI engine
- Research on enhancing heat dissipation in the air section of J-tube for submarine cables using gravity heat pipes
- Energy performance of solar coupled gas boiler heating system for translucent domed settling tank
- Online tracking simulation system for a 660 MW Ultra-Supercritical circulating fluidized bed boiler based on mechanistic models and artificial neural network models
- Safety and fast-tracking assessment of an innovative SOFC/GT all-electric ship propulsion system under pulsed load
- A multiscale design method using interpretable machine learning for phononic materials with closely interacting scales
- Harnessing dynamic turbulent dynamics in parrot optimization algorithm for complex high-dimensional engineering problems
- Unveiling the effects of laser scanning direction and processing parameters on heat transfer and ablation behavior of CFRP
- Succinic acid-based biodegradable hydrogels drive Bv2 microglial polarization by ATP metabolism
- A neutronics–thermal coupling-based rapid assessment method for molten salt reactor fuel draining system
- A novel photo-thermal synergistic catalytic method for degradation of waste Hydrofluorocarbons as greenhouse gases
- Jet impingement cooling in rotating flywheel energy storage systems: Turbulent flow reorganization and shear-layer dominated heat transfer enhancement
- Numerical study of combustion performance on an after-treatment burner at different equivalence ratios
- Experimental investigation of phase change material integrated vapor compression refrigeration system
- Numerical Cavitation Model with thermodynamic effects for process intensification in a Venturi Reactors
- Cellular-Engineered Titanium heat pipe
- Design of a PCM-based thermal management system for cylindrical Li-ion battery using topology optimization
- Time-series clustering of high-speed photography based on Multi-channel Variational Autoencoder in a scramjet combustor
- A novel energy-fitted hexagonal quadrature scheme enables low-cost and high-fidelity peridynamic computations
- Deep learning-based surrogate capacity models and multi-objective fragility estimates for reinforced concrete frames
- Spatiotemporal modeling based on manifold learning for collision dynamic prediction of thin-walled structures under oblique load
- On the mesh insensitivity of the edge-based smoothed finite element method for moving-domain problems
- Mutual-information-based dimensional learning: Objective algorithms for identification of relevant dimensionless quantities
- Self-propelling, soft, and slender structures in fluids: Cosserat rods immersed in the velocity–vorticity formulation of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
- Polymeric hollow fibre heat exchanger for reducing vehicle CO2 pollution
- Effect of spectral beam splitting device on the performance of new photovoltaic temperature control system: A numerical study
- A novel Y-type thermoelectric generator configuration for the fluid waste heat recovery
- Thermal characteristics of supercritical methane in a PCHE with optimized teardrop protrusion/dimple based on RSM-NSGA II under sloshing motions
- Evaluating heating strategies for efficient in-situ shale oil conversion: A numerical approach using THC coupled modeling
- A calibration method for multi-sensors in efficient chiller plant systems based on thermo-physical constraints
- A comparative analysis of quasi-static indentation and low-velocity impact on the free edges of CFRP composite laminates
- SrCO3@PCL/PDA composite scaffold promote osteoporotic bone regeneration through immune regulation
- Gradient distribution surface texture for enhancing the surface heat transfer performance of the mini-channel
- An improved platinum probe used for transient plane source method at cryogenic temperatures
- Influence of ceramic matrix composite woven structures on film cooling effectiveness and its unsteady behaviours
- Portable multi-camera tomographic probe for 3D emission measurements in industrial-scale high-temperature combustion processes
- Three typical icing patterns: Competition between the drop dynamics and heat transfer
- Projection-based model order reduction of embedded boundary models for CFD and nonlinear FSI
- Multi-Objective Loss Balancing for Physics-Informed Deep Learning
- Edge-affected frosting characteristics on a horizontal cold plate at different surface temperatures considering the initial sessile droplet
- Stable nano-enhanced phase change material emulsions of natural surfactant and silica nanoparticles for thermal energy storage applications
- Energy, exergy, economic, exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental (5E) analysis and optimization of a novel combined system integrating Allam cycle, air separation, ORC and carbon capture driven by LNG cold energy
- Modeling, analysis, and optimization of the asymmetric cooling system for a hybrid oil-cooled motor
- An optimization study on the performance of air-cooling system for energy storage battery packs using a novel thermoelectric coupling model
- Digital twin platform for evaluating thermal bridging effects on aggregate thermal performance of prefabricated wall panel systems
- Enhancement of mass transport behavior by controlling the surface structure of the porous transport layer for polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolysis
- Efficient Reduced-Order modeling for steam turbine rotors using TCN-enhanced SVD
- Development of the novel maximum coefficient of performance tracking methodology for a PVT system
- Throughput efficiency of a pumped-thermal system integrating exergy storage into wind turbines
- Topology optimization of microchannel heat sinks for laminar flows of thermal–fluid
- Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic performance assessment of a SOFC/GT cogeneration system integrating transcritical CO2 cycle and ejector refrigeration cycle
- Enhanced thermal energy storage in molten salt-based date-occupied composites with SiO2 nanoparticles
- Flow and heat transfer of He-Xe mixture in different ultra-compact heat exchangers
- Battery heating strategy to enhance fast-charge performance at low temperatures
- A finite element-based simulation of microstructure evolution through a 3D finite strain Cosserat phase-field model