- Statistical batch-based bearing fault detection
- Simulation-based high-speed elongational rheometer for Carreau-type materials
- Analysis of HIV therapy in the liver using optimal control and pharmacokinetics
- Using low-discrepancy points for data compression in machine learning: an experimental comparison
- Electric circuit element boundary conditions for electromagneto-quasistatic and full wave models in A, φ potentials and their finite element implementation
- Numerical evaluation of urban-warming mitigation strategies in an urban-porous media. An application of stabilized finite elements methods
- Design of two-dimensional reflective imaging systems: an approach based on inverse methods
- Clusters of African countries based on the social contacts and associated socioeconomic indicators relevant to the spread of the epidemic
- A system of ODEs for representing trends of CGM signals
- Fast 3D solvers for interactive computational mechanics
- Ensemble Kalman inversion for image guided guide wire navigation in vascular systems
- High fidelity adaptive mirror simulations with reduced order models
- Testing for finite variance with applications to vibration signals from rotating machines
- A quadratic optimization program for the inverse elastography problem
- Stochastic geometry models for texture synthesis of machined metallic surfaces: sandblasting and milling
- Transient motion classification and segment analysis of diffusive trajectories of G proteins and coupled-receptors in a living cell
- Fast computation of function composition derivatives for flatness-based control of diffusion problems
- Pricing of insurance-linked securities: a multi-peril approach
- Spline-based methods for functional data on multivariate domains
- Mathematical modelling of decision making: the case of motor insurance choices
- Concatenated backward ray mapping on the compound parabolic concentrator
- Numerical simulation of high-frequency induction welding in longitudinal welded tubes
- Epidemic modelling by birth-death processes with spatial scaling
- Optimal control of a dengue model with cross-immunity
- Isoperimetric interpretation for the Renormalized volume of convex co-compact hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- A Marstrand-type restricted projection theorem in ℝ3
- Sharp Lp bounds for the helical maximal function
- Boundary unique continuation for elliptic real analytic differential operators
- Optimal thresholds for preserving embeddedness of elastic flows
- Sobolev [inline-graphic 01] estimate for the [inline-graphic 02] equation on strictly pseudoconvex domains with C2 boundary
- A Jacobian criterion for nonsingularity in mixed characteristic
- Ollivier Ricci-flow on weighted graphs
- Singular limits of Kähler-Ricci flow on Fano G-manifolds
- Algebraic weaves and braid varieties
- Differential transcendence of Bell numbers and relatives: A Galois theoretic approach
- On the μ-invariants of residually reducible Galois representations
- Motivic congruences and Sharifi's conjecture
- The Petersson/Kuznetsov trace formula with prescribed local ramifications
- Zero distribution of power series and binary correlation of coefficients
- Łojasiewicz inequalities near simple bubble trees
- On the convergence of Kac–Moody Eisenstein series
- Accessibility and ergodicity for collapsed Anosov flows
- On Steklov eigenspaces for free boundary minimal surfaces in the unit ball
- A local noncollapsing estimate for mean curvature flow
- Gehring link problem, focal radius and over-torical width
- Diffuse traces and Haar unitaries
- The spectrum of an operator associated with G2-instantons with 1-dimensional singularities and Hermitian Yang–Mills connections with isolated singularities
- Large Fourier coefficients of half-integer weight modular forms
- On the Liouville function at polynomial arguments
- Planar minimal surfaces with polynomial growth in the Sp(4,ℝ)-symmetric space
- Fourier transform and expanding maps on Cantor sets
- Wave equation on general noncompact symmetric spaces