- Nowcasting Solar Energetic Particle Events for Mars Missions
- Data‐Driven Transfer Functions From Differential Magnetometer Measurements to Enhance GIC Model Validation Capability: A Case Study in the Spanish Power Grid
- An Evaluation of Equatorial Perturbation Electric Fields Using Empirical Vertical Drift Models
- Terrestrial reference frame scale drift anomalies in VLBI and the contribution of Ny-Ålesund radio telescopes
- Origins and significance of alteration textures in hydrovolcanic products from active volcanoes
- Rheology of the lower mantle: a review
- First Global Machine Learning Model to Predict the Rate of TEC Index (ROTI) Response to X‐Class Solar Flares
- Measurements and Modeling of Electron Precipitation Induced by the Ionospheric Heating Experiment
- Estimating the risks of big earthquakes based solely on the empirical relationship between intensities and rates of occurrences after incorporating temporal clustering correction
- Rutile solubility in aqueous sodium salt solutions at high pressures and temperatures: in-situ observations using a diamond anvil cell
- High-resolution monitoring of hydraulically induced acoustic emission activities using neural phase picking and matched filter analysis
- Depth-dependent surface wave dispersion equation calculated by the impedence matrix method
- Predicting the SYM‐H Index Using the Ring Current Energy Balance Mechanism
- Spatiotemporal changes in the strain field in the Niigata–Kobe Tectonic Zone: long-term analysis using GNSS time series data
- Depth to bedrock in Japan: insights from borehole data and terrain analysis using digital elevation models
- Refining regional gravity anomalies and vertical deflections of high-degree earth gravity model from residual terrains based on the spatial domain method
- Stochastic determination of arrival time and initial polarity of seismic waveform
- First Observations of a Geomagnetic Superstorm With a Sub‐L1 Monitor
- Evidence of Substorm‐Driven Penetration Electric Field Contributions to Low‐Latitude Phenomena: Enhanced Upward Drifts, Plasma Bubble Development and Severe Scintillation
- Short- and long-term prediction of length of day time series using a combination of MCSSA and ARMA
- Long‐Term Peak Geoelectric Field Behavior for Space Weather Hazard Assessment in Alberta, Canada Using Geomagnetic and Magnetotelluric Measurements
- Interpretable Machine Learning for Thermospheric Mass Density Modeling Using GRACE/GRACE‐FO Satellite Data
- Improved cloud tracking method tolerant to streaky features: application to Venusian cloud images
- Thank You to Our Peer Reviewers in 2024
- Effect of particle characteristics on granular friction evaluated by dual-slip-plane friction tests
- Predicting Equatorial Spread F at JICAMARCA Sector Via Supervised Machine Learning
- Simulating Extreme Space Weather With Kinetic Magnetotail Reconnection
- Equatorial spread-F characteristics using HF Doppler shift measurements: results from upgraded Doppler sounder system in Tucuman, Argentina
- Strong-motion characteristics of two 2022 M 6.5 + disastrous earthquakes in the southern longitudinal valley, Taiwan
- Design of the broadcast ephemerides for the Lunar Communication and Navigation Services system
- Comparison of polar mesospheric cloud observations by Himawari-8/AHI and Himawari-9/AHI
- A possibility of fluid migration due to the 2023 M6.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake suggested from precise gravity measurements
- A Novel Neural Network‐Based Approach to Derive a Local Geomagnetic Baseline for Future Robust Characterization of Geomagnetic Indices at Mid‐Latitude
- A Space Weather Approach for Quasi‐Real‐Time Assessment of Satellite Orbital Decay During Geomagnetic Storms Based on Two‐Line Element Sets
- A water-rich zone crossing the 660 km discontinuity beneath the SE Tibetan Plateau revealed by one-dimensional electrical conductivity modelling
- The theoretical basis for textural indices of eruption dynamics: review and new conceptual models
- Variability of ETAS parameters and their relationship with physical processes for earthquake forecasting in Africa
- Reconstructing Equatorial Electron Flux Measurements From Low‐Earth‐Orbit: A Conjunction Based Framework
- Probabilistic estimation of model parameters through grid search approaches: applications to geomagnetic anomaly source estimations
- Magnesium isotopic variation in marine fish organs
- Turnover in Gleissberg Cycle Dependence of Inner Zone Proton Flux
- Evaluation and analysis of the precipitable water vapor in Inner Mongolia of China
- Model selection for the sound speed perturbation of GNSS-A using the widely applicable Bayesian information criterion (WBIC)
- Joint short-term prediction of polar motion and length of day with multi-task deep learning methods
- Intercomparison of Model Determinations of Auroral Electrodynamic Parameters
- Relationship between surface ground motion and strain observed by a helically wound fiber-optic cable
- Quantitative Assessment of GOES 8–15 > ${ >} $0.6 and > ${ >} $4 MeV Radiation Belt Electron Fluxes
- Impact of topographic change on the East Asian monsoon in Japan and Eastern Asia during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Calibration of h'Es from VIPIR2 ionosondes in Japan
- Contribution of microtopography off the Ryukyu Islands to coastal sea-level amplification during the 2022 Tonga meteotsunami
- Parameter regionalization of large-scale distributed rainfall–runoff models using a conditional probability method
- Forecasting of the Geomagnetic Activity for the Next 3 Days Utilizing Neural Networks Based on Parameters Related to Large‐Scale Structures of the Solar Corona
- Coseismic slip distribution of the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake deduced from dense global navigation satellite system network and interferometric synthetic aperture radar data: effect of assumed dip angle
- Visibility Analysis of the Sun as Viewed From Multiple Spacecraft at the Sun‐Earth Lagrange Points
- Tidal correlation of deep tectonic tremors increases during long-term slow slip events in the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan
- Prediction of Energetic Electrons in the Inner Radiation Belt and Slot Region With a Double‐Layer LSTM Neural Network Model
- A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting SEP Proton Intensity and Events Using Time Series of Relativistic Electron Measurements
- Prevalence of mud diapirs in the Hyuga-nada subduction zone, southwest Japan, and its implications on hydrogeological processes
- On the Geoelectric Field Response to the SSC of the May 2024 Super Storm Over Europe
- Observations of Unusual Postsunrise Interhemispheric Geomagnetic Conjugate Super Plasma Depletions at Midlatitudes During the Recovery Phase of the November 2003 Superstorm
- Transition from magmatic to phreatomagmatic eruptions in Young Ciremai volcano, Indonesia: insights from stratigraphy, componentry, and textural analysis of tephra deposits
- In situ analysis of soluble organic compounds in Hayabusa Category 3 particles
- Correction: Dispersion, fragmentation, abrasion, and organism attachment of drift pumice from the 2021 Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba eruption in Japan
- A Novel Short‐Term Prediction Model for Regional Equatorial Plasma Bubble Irregularities in East and Southeast Asia
- The Need for a Sub‐L1 Space Weather Research Mission: Current Knowledge Gaps on Coronal Mass Ejections
- Solar Wind and Magnetospheric Conditions for Satellite Anomalies Attributed to Shallow Internal Charging
- Evolution of the near-Earth magnetotail associated with substorm onsets: revisiting the issues of onset timing and substorm triggering mechanism
- Distributions of heme B and its implications on Fe biogeochemistry in the eastern Indian Ocean and the western North Pacific Ocean
- Highly effective energy transfer in the autotroph-heterotroph symbiosis: insights from compound-specific isotope analysis of amino acids
- Assessing 1‐Second ROTI for Ionospheric Perturbation Monitoring Using Real‐Time Multi‐GNSS Data in China
- Substorm Identification With the WINDMI Magnetosphere ‐ Ionosphere Nonlinear Physics Model
- Multi‐Scale Intense Geoelectric and Geomagnetic Field Perturbations Observed After an Interplanetary Magnetic Field Turning
- RA‐ConvLSTM: Recurrent‐Architecture Attentional ConvLSTM Networks for Prediction of Global Total Electron Content
- Space Weather Into the 2030s: The 2024 Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey
- Cross Correlation Between Plasmaspheric Hiss Waves and Enhanced Radiation Levels at Aviation Altitudes
- A large elevation in 15N/14N of collagenous amino acids: an insight from starvation experiments of marine organisms
- Lithium and strontium isotope hydrogeochemistry in Okayama and Tottori Prefectures, southwest Japan: implications for tracing slab-derived fluid
- Linearity of natural versus laboratory-imparted remanence demagnetization diagram and reliability of relative paleointensity estimation
- Unveiling the effects of post-monsoon agricultural biomass burning on aerosols, clouds, and radiation in Northwest India
- Impact of Ionospheric Scintillations on GNSS Availability and Precise Positioning
- Geodetic data inversion to estimate a strain-rate field by introducing sparse modeling
- 2-D numerical experiments of thermal convection of highly viscous fluids under strong adiabatic compression: implications on mantle convection of super-Earths with various sizes
- Determination of present-day crustal deformation along the Kenyan rift system using InSAR
- Complexity of near-surface deformation and subsurface structure of the Chihshang creeping fault-line scarp, eastern Taiwan: insights from integration of geological and geophysical data
- Isotope analysis of birds’ eye lens provides early-life information
- Decent Estimate of CME Arrival Time From a Data‐Assimilated Ensemble in the Alfvén Wave Solar Atmosphere Model (DECADE‐AWSoM)
- Ionospheric Response to the 24–27 February 2023 Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storms Over the European Region Using a Machine Learning–Based Tomographic Technique
- Innovative approach for modelling gravity-induced signal path variations of VLBI radio telescopes
- An efficient decoupled 3-D axial anisotropic resistivity inversion for magnetotelluric data with OpenMP parallelization
- Comments on “Enormously large tippers observed in southwest China: can realistic 3‑D EM modeling reproduce them?” by S. Xu et al. (2023)
- The greenhouse gas observation mission with Global Observing SATellite for Greenhouse gases and Water cycle (GOSAT-GW): objectives, conceptual framework and scientific contributions
- EclipseNB: A Network of Low‐Cost GNSS Receivers to Study the Ionosphere
- Storm‐Time Ring Current Plasma Pressure Prediction Based on the Multi‐Output Convolutional Neural Network Model
- Forecasting High‐Speed Solar Wind Streams From Solar Images
- Seismicity of a relic slab: space–time cluster analysis in the Vrancea Seismic Zone
- Spatiotemporal variation of high-temperature events and its relation to coral bleaching in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
- Gravity gradient model of the Antarctic region derived from airborne gravity and DEM
- Dispersion, fragmentation, abrasion, and organism attachment of drift pumice from the 2021 Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba eruption in Japan
- Differential use of multiple food sources at a bathyal benthic ecosystem in the central Sagami Bay revealed by amino acid nitrogen isotopic compositions
- Radiation Impact of the Halloween GLE Events During the October–November 2003 Period
- Probabilistic estimation of rheological properties in subduction zones using sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip
- How geomagnetic storms affect the loss of Starlink satellites in February 2022?
- Humidity dependence of AE activity in sheared quartz gouges and its implication for the micromechanics of friction
- Comparative Hypothesis Testing of Auroral Ionospheric Layer Causing Global Navigation Satellite System Scintillation
- The JAGUAR-DAS whole neutral atmosphere reanalysis: JAWARA
- Correction: The hard sphere view of the outer core
- Global Ionospheric Scintillation Estimation Based on Phase Screen Modeling From One‐Dimensional Satellite Data
- Understanding and Modeling the Dynamics of Storm‐Time Atmospheric Neutral Density Using Random Forests
- Statistical Study on the Effect of Meridional Neutral Wind on the Occurrence of Post‐Sunset Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities
- Reconstruction of bottom water ventilation changes in the West Philippine Sea during the last glacial-interglacial period
- Land cover classification for Siberia leveraging diverse global land cover datasets
- The Probability of the May 2024 Geomagnetic Superstorm
- TIE‐GCM ROPE ‐ Dimensionality Reduction: Part I
- Spatiotemporal variations in integrated trophic positions of stream macroinvertebrate communities
- Meeting Report: International Magnetosphere Coupling IV (IMC‐IV) Workshop GFZ‐Potsdam, Germany, 2–7 June 2024
- Terminated Main Himalayan Thrust, evidence of Pre-Siwalik Tertiary rocks beneath and evolution of NW Himalayan foreland basin
- Chemical heat derived from rocket-borne WADIS-2 experiment
- Dynamically triggered seismicity in Japan following the 2024 Mw7.5 Noto earthquake
- Spatiotemporal distribution and seismic interaction of very-low-frequency earthquakes in the northern Ryukyu Trench
- Enhanced GNSS-acoustic positioning method implementing with constraints on underwater sound speed structure
- Kinematic source rupture on listric faults for the 2024 Noto Peninsula, Japan, earthquake (Mw 7.5) estimated from near-field strong-motion waveforms
- Intraplate seismic mechanisms in the Zhangjiakou-Bohai Seismic Belt: insights from magnetotelluric data
- Comprehensive characterization of solar wind interaction with lunar crustal magnetic fields: Kaguya low-altitude observations
- Simultaneous Observation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Over Indonesia Following the 15 January 2022 Tonga Volcano Eruption
- Pre- and coseismic electromagnetic signals of the Nepal earthquake of 03 november 2023
- A high-resolution in situ X-ray diffraction study of mineral transitions due to post-hydration heating in CM chondrite meteorites
- Reconstruction of high-resolution paleomagnetic variations in the middle Gauss chronozone, including the upper and lower boundaries of the Mammoth reversed subchronozone
- An Operational Geomagnetic Baseline Derivation Method for Magnetic Observatories Located in Mid‐Latitudes
- Inverting vertical gravity anomaly gradients using multidirectional data from a mean sea surface model: the case of the Arabian Sea
- Seismic activity around shallow plate boundary near westernmost Nankai Trough revealed by ocean bottom seismometer observation
- Advancement in scanning magnetic microscopy utilizing high-sensitivity room-temperature TMR sensors for geological applications
- NEUVAC: Nonlinear Extreme Ultraviolet Irradiance Model for Aeronomic Calculations
- Adapting Ensemble‐Calibration Techniques to Probabilistic Solar‐Wind Forecasting
- Development of a high-resolution ocean ensemble future projection dataset for the North Pacific incorporating simple biogeochemical processes
- A protocol and analysis of year-long simulations of global storm-resolving models and beyond
- Subsurface structures around the subducting seamount illuminated by local earthquakes at the off-Ibaraki region, southern Japan Trench
- Comparative Analysis of Higher‐Order Ionospheric Delay on PPP Long‐Term Coordinate Time Series and Residual Modeling Using Horizontal Gradients and RINEX Data
- HESPERIA REleASE+: Improving Solar Proton Event Forecasting by Means of Automated Recognition of Type‐III Radio Bursts
- Formation of a magnetic duct by the compressional component of ULF oscillation: a ray tracing study of whistler-mode wave propagation
- Relation between magnetopause position and reconnection rate under quasi-steady solar wind dynamic pressure
- Terrestrial-origin O+ ions below 1 keV near the Moon measured with the Kaguya satellite
- Paleomagnetic study of the 30 ka Aira caldera-forming eruption and 60–45 ka Iwato pyroclastic flow deposits, southern Kyushu, Japan
- ZWDX: a global zenith wet delay forecasting model using XGBoost
- Comparisons of Energetic Electron Observations Between FIREBIRD‐II CubeSats and POES/MetOp Satellites From 2018 to 2020
- Ionospheric Response to the Extreme 2024 Mother's Day Geomagnetic Storm Over the Latin American Sector
- On the Performance of a Real‐Time Electron Radiation Belt Specification Model
- Role of water in dynamics of slabs and surrounding mantle
- Short‐Term Prediction of the Dst Index and Estimation of Efficient Uncertainty Using a Hybrid Deep Learning Network
- Space Weather Effects on Transportation Systems: A Review of Current Understanding and Future Outlook
- Radiation Exposure and Shielding Effects on the Lunar Surface
- Channel Mixer Layer: Multimodal Fusion Toward Machine Reasoning for Spatiotemporal Predictive Learning of Ionospheric Total Electron Content
- A Global Thermospheric Density Prediction Framework Based on a Deep Evidential Method
- The Impact of Lower Atmosphere Forecast Uncertainties on WACCM‐X Prediction of Ionosphere‐Thermosphere System During Geomagnetic Storms
- The LimPa mission: a small mission proposal to characterize the enigmatic lunar dust exosphere
- Duskward displacement of plasmoids and reconnection in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Strong Relativistic Electron Flux Events in GPS Orbit
- Nightside Neutral Density Disturbances Collocated With Equatorial Plasma Irregularities Above 450 km: GRACE and GRACE‐FO Observations in 2002–2022
- Optimizing Polar Air Traffic: Strategies for Mitigating the Effects of Space Weather‐Induced Communication Failures Poleward of 82°N
- Performance assessment of interpolation methods for orbits of altimetry satellites
- Silicoflagellate assemblages in the North Pacific surface sediments: an application of the modern analog method to reconstruct the glacial sea surface temperature in the Japan Sea
- Spatial structures of blue low-latitude aurora observed from Japan during the extreme geomagnetic storm of May 2024
- PyIRTAM: A New Module of PyIRI for IRTAM Coefficients
- Seismic clusters and fluids diffusion: a lesson from the 2018 Molise (Southern Italy) earthquake sequence
- Effect of bridgmanite-ferropericlase grain size evolution on Earth’s average mantle viscosity: implications for mantle convection in early and present-day Earth
- Static and Dynamic Model Calibration for Upper Thermosphere Determination
- Evaluating Proton Intensities for the SMILE Mission
- On the ability to study regional hydrometeorological changes using GPS and GRACE measurements
- The Growth and Decay of Intense GNSS Amplitude and Phase Scintillation During Non‐Storm Conditions
- Influence of Solar Wind High‐Speed Streams on the Brazilian Low‐Latitude Ionosphere During the Descending Phase of Solar Cycle 24
- Homoclinic bifurcation of a rate-weakening patch in a viscoelastic medium and effect of strength contrast
- Effects of mineral mode and textural variation on the seismic anisotropy in lithospheric mantle: an example from Horoman peridotites
- Super‐Intense Geomagnetic Storm on 10–11 May 2024: Possible Mechanisms and Impacts
- The closure of microcracks under pressure: inference from elastic wave velocity and electrical conductivity in granitic rocks
- Contribution of aseismic slips to earthquake swarms at the Hakone volcano
- Interhemispheric Asymmetry in the High‐Latitude Neutral Density Variations During the 13–14 March 2022 Storm
- The role of fluids in earthquake swarms in northeastern Noto Peninsula, central Japan: insights from source mechanisms
- Investigating the Trip of a Transformer in Sweden During the 24 April 2023 Storm
- Replicability of paleotemperature records in the northern Okinawa Trough and its implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions
- A Gaussian Variogram‐Based Model of Total Electron Content in the Regional Ionosphere of China
- Neural phase picker trained on the Japan meteorological agency unified earthquake catalog
- Stable-to-dynamic expansion of fault slipping area through fluid injection observed in laboratory experiments using a sub-meter scale specimen
- Suppression of hydrodynamic escape of an H2-rich early Earth atmosphere by radiative cooling of carbon oxides
- Cenozoic history of the Australian Monsoon
- Regionally extensive ejecta layer of the Australasian tektite strewn field: the MIS 20/19 large meteorite impact in mainland South-East Asia
- Development of an offshore ground motion prediction equation for peak ground acceleration considering path effects based on S-net data
- Improving the performance of BDS single-frequency precise point positioning by integrating QZSS observations in the Asia-Pacific region
- Dynamic rupture inversion on the M5.9 pre-event before the 2024 M7.6 Noto-Peninsula, Japan, earthquake
- The Radiation Impact of Solar Energetic Particle Events on the Moon: A Statistical Study Using Data‐Based Modeling Results
- Estimation of shallow structure along the hinagu fault by applying seismic interferometry to DAS observations conducted along national route 3 in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan
- Morphology and Climatology of Nighttime Periodic Ionospheric TEC Disturbances Associated With MSTIDs Over China
- Objective classification for solid hydrometeor particles using deep learning
- Monitoring of Ionospheric Variability Using the Low lAtitude Long Range Ionospheric raDar (LARID): Capabilities, Advantages and Limitations
- Comparative Analysis of TPA‐LSTM and Transformer Models for Forecasting GEO Radiation Belt Electron Fluxes
- The Mother's Day Geomagnetic Storm on 10 May 2024: Aurora Observations and Low Latitude Space Weather Effects in Mexico
- Space Weather Forecasts of Ground Level Space Weather in the UK: Evaluating Performance and Limitations
- Development of a new device for CO2 microdiffusion analysis of fluid samples from volcanic areas without using a fixative
- Orbital timescale CaCO3 burial and dissolution changes off the Chilean margin in the subantarctic Pacific over the past 140 kyr
- On the Growth and Evolution of Nocturnal Ionospheric Irregularities Using HF Radar Observations Along With Digisonde and GNSS Data Over Trivandrum, India
- Mapping normal faults on the outer slope of the western Kuril Trench based on recent seismic reflection and bathymetric data
- Mid‐Latitude Study of Ionospheric Variation Over Iran Associated With Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA), and Artificial Neural Networks Model Development
- On the relationship between air pollution indices and risk level of dust-related diseases and associated hospitalization
- Terrestrial reference frame scale drift anomalies in VLBI and the contribution of Ny-Ålesund radio telescopes
- Origins and significance of alteration textures in hydrovolcanic products from active volcanoes
- Rheology of the lower mantle: a review
- Effect of the gravel-vegetation combination on shear-stress partitioning and sand transport rate
- Estimating the risks of big earthquakes based solely on the empirical relationship between intensities and rates of occurrences after incorporating temporal clustering correction
- Rutile solubility in aqueous sodium salt solutions at high pressures and temperatures: in-situ observations using a diamond anvil cell
- High-resolution monitoring of hydraulically induced acoustic emission activities using neural phase picking and matched filter analysis
- Depth-dependent surface wave dispersion equation calculated by the impedence matrix method
- Spatiotemporal changes in the strain field in the Niigata–Kobe Tectonic Zone: long-term analysis using GNSS time series data
- Depth to bedrock in Japan: insights from borehole data and terrain analysis using digital elevation models
- Refining regional gravity anomalies and vertical deflections of high-degree earth gravity model from residual terrains based on the spatial domain method
- Stochastic determination of arrival time and initial polarity of seismic waveform
- Short- and long-term prediction of length of day time series using a combination of MCSSA and ARMA
- Magnetic characteristics and source analysis of modern snow dust from the Tianshan Mountains
- East Asian winter monsoon during the late quaternary shifted the provenance of red earth in mid-subtropical China
- Improved cloud tracking method tolerant to streaky features: application to Venusian cloud images
- Effect of particle characteristics on granular friction evaluated by dual-slip-plane friction tests
- Comparison of polar mesospheric cloud observations by Himawari-8/AHI and Himawari-9/AHI
- Design of the broadcast ephemerides for the Lunar Communication and Navigation Services system
- A possibility of fluid migration due to the 2023 M6.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake suggested from precise gravity measurements
- Equatorial spread-F characteristics using HF Doppler shift measurements: results from upgraded Doppler sounder system in Tucuman, Argentina
- Strong-motion characteristics of two 2022 M 6.5 + disastrous earthquakes in the southern longitudinal valley, Taiwan
- A water-rich zone crossing the 660 km discontinuity beneath the SE Tibetan Plateau revealed by one-dimensional electrical conductivity modelling
- The theoretical basis for textural indices of eruption dynamics: review and new conceptual models
- Variability of ETAS parameters and their relationship with physical processes for earthquake forecasting in Africa
- Magnesium isotopic variation in marine fish organs
- Probabilistic estimation of model parameters through grid search approaches: applications to geomagnetic anomaly source estimations
- Evaluation and analysis of the precipitable water vapor in Inner Mongolia of China
- Model selection for the sound speed perturbation of GNSS-A using the widely applicable Bayesian information criterion (WBIC)
- Joint short-term prediction of polar motion and length of day with multi-task deep learning methods
- Relationship between surface ground motion and strain observed by a helically wound fiber-optic cable
- Impact of topographic change on the East Asian monsoon in Japan and Eastern Asia during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Calibration of h'Es from VIPIR2 ionosondes in Japan
- Contribution of microtopography off the Ryukyu Islands to coastal sea-level amplification during the 2022 Tonga meteotsunami
- Parameter regionalization of large-scale distributed rainfall–runoff models using a conditional probability method
- Coseismic slip distribution of the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake deduced from dense global navigation satellite system network and interferometric synthetic aperture radar data: effect of assumed dip angle
- Tidal correlation of deep tectonic tremors increases during long-term slow slip events in the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan
- Prevalence of mud diapirs in the Hyuga-nada subduction zone, southwest Japan, and its implications on hydrogeological processes
- The geomorphic and palaeoenvironmental significance of water-induced horizontal layering in arid inland and coastal mediterranean interdunes
- Transition from magmatic to phreatomagmatic eruptions in Young Ciremai volcano, Indonesia: insights from stratigraphy, componentry, and textural analysis of tephra deposits
- In situ analysis of soluble organic compounds in Hayabusa Category 3 particles
- Correction: Dispersion, fragmentation, abrasion, and organism attachment of drift pumice from the 2021 Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba eruption in Japan
- Influences of soil moisture and vegetation cover on dust emission using satellite observations
- Distributions of heme B and its implications on Fe biogeochemistry in the eastern Indian Ocean and the western North Pacific Ocean
- Evolution of the near-Earth magnetotail associated with substorm onsets: revisiting the issues of onset timing and substorm triggering mechanism
- Highly effective energy transfer in the autotroph-heterotroph symbiosis: insights from compound-specific isotope analysis of amino acids
- Potential PM10 emission from soil affected by different temperatures in a Caldén Forest of semiarid Pampas, Argentina
- Fluid-driven surface change in sediment-limited interdune environments and relevance to Titan
- Linearity of natural versus laboratory-imparted remanence demagnetization diagram and reliability of relative paleointensity estimation
- A large elevation in 15N/14N of collagenous amino acids: an insight from starvation experiments of marine organisms
- Lithium and strontium isotope hydrogeochemistry in Okayama and Tottori Prefectures, southwest Japan: implications for tracing slab-derived fluid
- Unveiling the effects of post-monsoon agricultural biomass burning on aerosols, clouds, and radiation in Northwest India
- Geodetic data inversion to estimate a strain-rate field by introducing sparse modeling
- 2-D numerical experiments of thermal convection of highly viscous fluids under strong adiabatic compression: implications on mantle convection of super-Earths with various sizes
- Determination of present-day crustal deformation along the Kenyan rift system using InSAR
- Complexity of near-surface deformation and subsurface structure of the Chihshang creeping fault-line scarp, eastern Taiwan: insights from integration of geological and geophysical data
- Isotope analysis of birds’ eye lens provides early-life information
- An efficient decoupled 3-D axial anisotropic resistivity inversion for magnetotelluric data with OpenMP parallelization
- Innovative approach for modelling gravity-induced signal path variations of VLBI radio telescopes
- The greenhouse gas observation mission with Global Observing SATellite for Greenhouse gases and Water cycle (GOSAT-GW): objectives, conceptual framework and scientific contributions
- Comments on “Enormously large tippers observed in southwest China: can realistic 3‑D EM modeling reproduce them?” by S. Xu et al. (2023)
- Spatiotemporal variation of high-temperature events and its relation to coral bleaching in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
- Seismicity of a relic slab: space–time cluster analysis in the Vrancea Seismic Zone
- Gravity gradient model of the Antarctic region derived from airborne gravity and DEM
- Dispersion, fragmentation, abrasion, and organism attachment of drift pumice from the 2021 Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba eruption in Japan
- Differential use of multiple food sources at a bathyal benthic ecosystem in the central Sagami Bay revealed by amino acid nitrogen isotopic compositions
- Humidity dependence of AE activity in sheared quartz gouges and its implication for the micromechanics of friction
- How geomagnetic storms affect the loss of Starlink satellites in February 2022?
- Probabilistic estimation of rheological properties in subduction zones using sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip
- Aeolian influences on gully erosion in clay-rich soils in a humid subtropical climate, Southeast USA
- The JAGUAR-DAS whole neutral atmosphere reanalysis: JAWARA
- Correction: The hard sphere view of the outer core
- Reconstruction of bottom water ventilation changes in the West Philippine Sea during the last glacial-interglacial period
- Land cover classification for Siberia leveraging diverse global land cover datasets
- Spatiotemporal variations in integrated trophic positions of stream macroinvertebrate communities
- Terminated Main Himalayan Thrust, evidence of Pre-Siwalik Tertiary rocks beneath and evolution of NW Himalayan foreland basin
- Chemical heat derived from rocket-borne WADIS-2 experiment
- Dynamically triggered seismicity in Japan following the 2024 Mw7.5 Noto earthquake
- Comprehensive characterization of solar wind interaction with lunar crustal magnetic fields: Kaguya low-altitude observations
- Enhanced GNSS-acoustic positioning method implementing with constraints on underwater sound speed structure
- Spatiotemporal distribution and seismic interaction of very-low-frequency earthquakes in the northern Ryukyu Trench
- Kinematic source rupture on listric faults for the 2024 Noto Peninsula, Japan, earthquake (Mw 7.5) estimated from near-field strong-motion waveforms
- Intraplate seismic mechanisms in the Zhangjiakou-Bohai Seismic Belt: insights from magnetotelluric data
- Pre- and coseismic electromagnetic signals of the Nepal earthquake of 03 november 2023
- Reconstruction of high-resolution paleomagnetic variations in the middle Gauss chronozone, including the upper and lower boundaries of the Mammoth reversed subchronozone
- A high-resolution in situ X-ray diffraction study of mineral transitions due to post-hydration heating in CM chondrite meteorites
- Advancement in scanning magnetic microscopy utilizing high-sensitivity room-temperature TMR sensors for geological applications
- Inverting vertical gravity anomaly gradients using multidirectional data from a mean sea surface model: the case of the Arabian Sea
- Seismic activity around shallow plate boundary near westernmost Nankai Trough revealed by ocean bottom seismometer observation
- Dust transport pathways from The Great Basin
- Development of a high-resolution ocean ensemble future projection dataset for the North Pacific incorporating simple biogeochemical processes
- Lagging behind: Impact of non-native gravel within a coastal dune system
- Subsurface structures around the subducting seamount illuminated by local earthquakes at the off-Ibaraki region, southern Japan Trench
- A protocol and analysis of year-long simulations of global storm-resolving models and beyond
- Formation of a magnetic duct by the compressional component of ULF oscillation: a ray tracing study of whistler-mode wave propagation
- ZWDX: a global zenith wet delay forecasting model using XGBoost
- Relation between magnetopause position and reconnection rate under quasi-steady solar wind dynamic pressure
- Terrestrial-origin O+ ions below 1 keV near the Moon measured with the Kaguya satellite
- Paleomagnetic study of the 30 ka Aira caldera-forming eruption and 60–45 ka Iwato pyroclastic flow deposits, southern Kyushu, Japan
- Role of water in dynamics of slabs and surrounding mantle
- Duskward displacement of plasmoids and reconnection in the near-Earth magnetotail
- The LimPa mission: a small mission proposal to characterize the enigmatic lunar dust exosphere
- Combining modeling and isotopic signatures to track Aeolian dust from source to sink in the Wasatch Front, Utah, USA
- Silicoflagellate assemblages in the North Pacific surface sediments: an application of the modern analog method to reconstruct the glacial sea surface temperature in the Japan Sea
- Spatial structures of blue low-latitude aurora observed from Japan during the extreme geomagnetic storm of May 2024
- Performance assessment of interpolation methods for orbits of altimetry satellites
- Effect of bridgmanite-ferropericlase grain size evolution on Earth’s average mantle viscosity: implications for mantle convection in early and present-day Earth
- Seismic clusters and fluids diffusion: a lesson from the 2018 Molise (Southern Italy) earthquake sequence
- On the ability to study regional hydrometeorological changes using GPS and GRACE measurements
- Homoclinic bifurcation of a rate-weakening patch in a viscoelastic medium and effect of strength contrast
- Effects of mineral mode and textural variation on the seismic anisotropy in lithospheric mantle: an example from Horoman peridotites
- Implications of gravel content on aerodynamic parameters, sand flux, erosion and accumulation during deflation processes over Gobi
- The closure of microcracks under pressure: inference from elastic wave velocity and electrical conductivity in granitic rocks
- Contribution of aseismic slips to earthquake swarms at the Hakone volcano
- The role of fluids in earthquake swarms in northeastern Noto Peninsula, central Japan: insights from source mechanisms
- Replicability of paleotemperature records in the northern Okinawa Trough and its implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions
- Neural phase picker trained on the Japan meteorological agency unified earthquake catalog
- Stable-to-dynamic expansion of fault slipping area through fluid injection observed in laboratory experiments using a sub-meter scale specimen
- Suppression of hydrodynamic escape of an H2-rich early Earth atmosphere by radiative cooling of carbon oxides
- Cenozoic history of the Australian Monsoon
- Improving the performance of BDS single-frequency precise point positioning by integrating QZSS observations in the Asia-Pacific region
- Dynamic rupture inversion on the M5.9 pre-event before the 2024 M7.6 Noto-Peninsula, Japan, earthquake
- Development of an offshore ground motion prediction equation for peak ground acceleration considering path effects based on S-net data
- Regionally extensive ejecta layer of the Australasian tektite strewn field: the MIS 20/19 large meteorite impact in mainland South-East Asia
- Estimation of shallow structure along the hinagu fault by applying seismic interferometry to DAS observations conducted along national route 3 in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan
- Objective classification for solid hydrometeor particles using deep learning
- An evaluation of different approaches for estimating shear velocity in aeolian research studies
- Development of a new device for CO2 microdiffusion analysis of fluid samples from volcanic areas without using a fixative
- Orbital timescale CaCO3 burial and dissolution changes off the Chilean margin in the subantarctic Pacific over the past 140 kyr
- Mapping normal faults on the outer slope of the western Kuril Trench based on recent seismic reflection and bathymetric data
- Precursory crater contraction associated with the 2017 eruption of Shinmoe-dake volcano (Japan) detected by PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-1 InSAR
- Simulation of light environments inside lunar holes and their associated subsurface caverns
- Real-time modeling of transient crustal deformation through the quantification of uncertainty deduced from GNSS data
- Correction: Dietary partitioning in sympatric Paradoxurinae civets in Borneo suggested by compound-specific nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids
- Application of a recently developed method of oriented drill coring to accumulative tephra layers: identification of the Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic reversal in Akan caldera-forming eruption deposits
- Fine structure of a daytime mid-latitude sporadic-E revealed by GNSS TEC, InSAR, and MAI
- Solar cycle phase and occurrence of intense geomagnetic storms
- Correction: Seismic observation using distributed acoustic sensing around the Tsugaru Strait at the Japan and Kuril Trenches, northeastern Japan
- Estimation of Vs30 and site classification of Bhaktapur district, Nepal using microtremor array measurement
- An adaptive parameter-free seismic data denoising approach by combining general cross-validation thresholding and pixel connectivity in synchrosqueezed domain
- Structural control on the shallow tremor distribution linked to seamount subduction: insights from high-resolution seismic imaging in Hyuga-nada
- Aeolian sand cover on a granite peninsula (Hammeren, Bornholm, Baltic Sea) formed in three episodes during the past 11,600 years
- Quasi-real-time earthquake relocation and monitoring in the northeastern Noto Peninsula
- Imaging of upper breakpoints of buried active faults through microtremor survey technology
- Development of three-dimensional forward modeling method for the magnetometric resistivity (MMR) method
- Transport and deposition of microplastics and microrubbers during a dust storm (Sarakhs, northeast Iran)
- Speculation on an early Pleistocene origin of the Parker dunes of southwest Arizona, USA
- A convolutional neural network to optimize multi-mission satellite altimeter fusion for improving the marine gravity field
- ICESat-2 single photon laser point cloud denoising algorithm based on improved DBSCAN clustering
- BaHaMAs: a method for uncertainty quantification in geodetic time series and its application in short-term prediction of length of day
- Preface for article collection “10 years after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake: a milestone of solid earth science”
- Dietary partitioning in sympatric Paradoxurinae civets in Borneo suggested by compound-specific nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids
- Not trench-parallel but trench-normal source fault of the 1994 Hokkaido Toho-oki earthquake as revealed by the aftershock relocation using HypoDD
- Linking the spatiotemporal distribution of static stress drops to source faults in a fluid-driven earthquake swarm, northeastern Noto Peninsula, central Japan
- Short-term prediction of geomagnetic secular variation with an echo state network
- Hydrogeological structure of a seafloor hydrothermal system deduced from a pair of positive and negative self-potential anomalies observed at the Oomuro-dashi hydrothermal field in the Izu-Ogasawara Arc, south of Japan
- Characteristics of the seismogenic zone in an arc-continent collision belt: insights from seismic b values in Eastern Taiwan
- Characterizing variability in geochemistry and mineralogy of western US dust sources
- Automatic identification of saltating tracks driven by strong wind in high-speed video using multiple statistical quantities of instant particle velocity
- Spatial–temporal variations of b-values prior to medium-to-large earthquakes in Taiwan and the feasibility of real-time precursor monitoring
- Fault geometry invariance and dislocation potential in antiplane crustal deformation: physics-informed simultaneous solutions
- Natural 14C abundances and stable isotopes suggest discrete uptake routes for carbon and nitrogen in cold seep animals
- Discrimination of ULF signals from an underground seismogenic current
- Recurrent partial resetting of quartz OSL signal by earthquakes: a thermochronological study on fault gouges from the Atotsugawa Fault, Japan
- Electrical conductivity of mantle minerals beneath East Asia revealed by geomagnetic observatory data
- A methodology for appropriate withdrawal of tsunami warnings based on numerical simulations
- Kuroshio Extension cold-core ring and wind drop-off observed in 2021–2022 winter
- Unsinkable, long-drifting, millimeter-sized pumice of the 2021 eruption of Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba submarine volcano
- Local earthquake monitoring with a low-cost seismic network: a case study in Nepal
- Integration of new zircon U–Pb ages with biostratigraphy to establish a high-precision age model of the Miocene Nakayama Formation on Sado Island in Central Japan
- Special issue “16th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-16), 2022”
- Anisotropic structure at shallow depths across the Japan Trench
- The pioneer Cluster mission: preparation of its legacy phase near re-entry
- Electrochemical survey of electroactive microbial populations in deep-sea hydrothermal fields
- Inverse analysis of seismic activity rate changes for severely incomplete sequences: comparison of aftershock activity patterns immediately following the 2023 M6.5 and 2024 M7.6 Noto Peninsula earthquakes
- Regulation of nitrogen isotopic ratios of cellular components
- Combining evolutionary computation with machine learning technique for improved short-term prediction of UT1-UTC and length-of-day
- Correction: Stable estimation of the Gutenberg–Richter b-values by the b-positive method: a case study of aftershock zones for magnitude-7 class earthquakes
- Empirical approaches for non-linear site response: results for the ESG6-blind test
- Revisiting interseismic deformation in Nankai: focusing on slip-deficit accumulation in the ETS zone and comparison with Cascadia
- Building the fracture network model for the Okuaizu geothermal field based on microseismic data analysis
- On the phase difference of ECH waves obtained from the interferometry observation by the Arase satellite
- Development of hyperspectral camera for auroral imaging (HySCAI)
- Correction: Wind stress curl as a driving force of annual waves in the upper ocean for interpreting energetics at all latitudes
- Investigation of the long-term variation of gravity waves over South America using empirical orthogonal function analysis
- High-resolution 3-D imaging of electron density perturbations using ultra-dense GNSS observation networks in Japan: an example of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances
- Solving the puzzle of the 1996 Biak, Indonesia tsunami
- The color systematics of volcanic ashfall samples in estimating eruption sequences: a case study of the 2017–2018 eruption at Shinmoe-dake, Kirishima volcano, Southwest Japan
- Findings on celestial pole offsets predictions in the second earth orientation parameters prediction comparison campaign (2nd EOP PCC)
- Basal emission rates of isoprene and monoterpenes from major tree species in Japan: interspecies and intraspecies variabilities
- Evolution of Weichselian aeolian strata on a coarse-grained substrate in a rugged piedmont topography: A case study from the foothills of the eastern Sudetes Mts., Czechia
- Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks of heavy metals in windborne sediments from a residential area (Case study: Tabas, Iran)
- The influence of backdune morphology on air flow dynamics through an excavated foredune notch
- Dune behavior in the Source Area of the Yellow River under climate changes observed from various remote sensing datasets
- Characterization of 21 years of dust events across four West Texas regions
- Regional differences in the grain size characteristics of surface sediments from typical barchan dunes in arid zones
- Vortex core regions of nebkhas and their implications on shadow dune formation
- Morphological and sedimentary characteristics of raked linear dunes in the southeastern Taklimakan Desert, China
- The indicative significance of grain size end-members and quartz surface microtextural features in Beglitsa loess sections at the Sea of Azov