- Search for fast-oscillating fundamental constants with space missions
- The discriminative ability on anomaly detection using quantum kernels for shipping inspection
- Characterising higher-order phase correlations in gain-switched laser sources with application to quantum key distribution
- A novel gas sensing principle based on quantum fluctuations
- Quantum gravity gradiometry for future mass change science
- Spatially resolved phase reconstruction for atom interferometry
- LLM-generated tips rival expert-created tips in helping students answer quantum-computing questions
- Ramsey-Bordé atom interferometry with a thermal strontium beam for a compact optical clock
- QSegRNN: quantum segment recurrent neural network for time series forecasting
- Estimating the impact of light pollution on quantum communication between QEYSSat and Canadian quantum ground station sites
- Celebrating the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology
- Alternative pipeline for option pricing using quantum computers
- INTENTAS - an entanglement-enhanced atomic sensor for microgravity
- Low-cost ODMR experiments with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamonds: a didactical approach to theory and experiment
- Integration of germanium-vacancy single photon emitters arrays in diamond nanopillars
- Pulse shape optimization against Doppler shifts and delays in optical quantum communication
- Investigating the use of multiple representations in university courses on quantum technologies
- QCCP: a taskflow programming model for emerging computing scenario
- Tight upper bound of the maximal quantum violation of Gisin’s elegant Bell inequality and its application in randomness certification
- A scalable routing method for superconducting quantum processor
- Diversity and multiplexing in quantum MIMO channels
- Key reconciliation protocol for quantum key distribution
- Correction: The structure of learners’ perceptions of models (not only) in quantum physics: spotlight on Fidelity of Gestalt and Functional Fidelity
- The structure of learners’ perceptions of models (not only) in quantum physics: spotlight on Fidelity of Gestalt and Functional Fidelity
- AI support meets AR visualization for Alice and Bob: personalized learning based on individual ChatGPT feedback in an AR quantum cryptography experiment for physics lab courses
- Analysis of converting (mathfrak{C^{0}})-circuit into (mathfrak{C^{*}})-circuit
- QScratch: introduction to quantum mechanics concepts through block-based programming
- Matter-wave lensing of ultracold atomic gases by interaction quenching via two-photon scattering
- Exploratory factor analysis of a precollege quantum information science and technology survey: exploring career aspiration formation and student interest
- How analogies helped novice students think about superposition states and collapse in quantum mechanics
- A quantum solution to blind millionaire problem with only single-particle states
- A reconfigurable entanglement distribution network suitable for connecting multiple ground nodes with a satellite
- Defining quantum games
- Simulation of satellite and optical link dynamics in a quantum repeater constellation
- Intermodal quantum key distribution field trial with active switching between fiber and free-space channels
- Hybrid quantum neural networks: harnessing dressed quantum circuits for enhanced tsunami prediction via earthquake data fusion
- Quantum adversarial generation of high-resolution images
- Extending the European Competence Framework for Quantum Technologies: new proficiency triangle and qualification profiles
- Quantum technology master’s: a shortcut to the quantum industry?
- Nonreciprocal mechanical squeezing in cavity magnomechanics
- Undergraduate setup for measuring the Bell inequalities and performing quantum state tomography
- Practical ultra-low frequency noise laser system for quantum sensors
- Two-step quantum dialogue protocols against collective noises
- Quantum differential cryptanalysis based on Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm
- Fast generation of entanglement between coupled spins using optimization and deep learning methods
- Advancing quantum technology workforce: industry insights into qualification and training needs
- On the randomness of time ordered quantum measurements
- A new quantum solution to blind millionaires’ problem without an honest third party
- An investigation of errors in ellipse-fitting for cold-atom interferometers
- Electromagnetic side-channel attack risk assessment on a practical quantum-key-distribution receiver based on multi-class classification
- Numerical model of N-level cascade systems for atomic Radio Frequency sensing applications
- KANQAS: Kolmogorov-Arnold Network for Quantum Architecture Search
- Generation of phonon quantum states and quantum correlations among single photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride
- Teaching quantum information science to secondary school students with photon polarization and which-path encoding
- A computational study and analysis of Variational Quantum Eigensolver over multiple parameters for molecules and ions
- Quantum data encoding: a comparative analysis of classical-to-quantum mapping techniques and their impact on machine learning accuracy
- An advanced quantum support vector machine for power quality disturbance detection and identification
- A methodology to select and adjust quantum noise models through emulators: benchmarking against real backends
- Correction: Keep it secret, keep it safe: teaching quantum key distribution in high school
- Trainability maximization using estimation of distribution algorithms assisted by surrogate modelling for quantum architecture search
- Fault-tolerant double-circular connectivity pattern for quantum stabilizer codes
- Estimating the link budget of satellite-based Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for uplink transmission through the atmosphere
- Reflection and transmission amplitudes in a digital quantum simulation
- Keep it secret, keep it safe: teaching quantum key distribution in high school
- Mathematical sense making of quantum phenomena using Dirac notation: its effect on secondary school students’ functional thinking about photons
- Quantum null-hypothesis device-independent Schmidt number witness
- Multi-party quantum key distribution protocol in quantum network
- Correlation avoidance in single-photon detecting quantum random number generators by dead time overestimation
- Introducing quantum information and computation to a broader audience with MOOCs at OpenHPI
- From computing to quantum mechanics: accessible and hands-on quantum computing education for high school students
- Efficient quantum secure multi-party greatest common divisor protocol and its applications in private set operations
- Superconducting surface trap chips for microwave-driven trapped ions
- Prior entanglement exponentially improves one-server quantum private information retrieval for quantum messages
- Continuous evolution for efficient quantum architecture search
- Fully controllable time-bin entangled states distributed over 100-km single-mode fibers
- Nonclassical light in a three-waveguide coupler with second-order nonlinearity
- Exponential qubit reduction in optimization for financial transaction settlement
- Efficient quantum state estimation with low-rank matrix completion
- Experimental demonstration of quantum encryption in phase space with displacement operator in coherent optical communications
- Optical payload design for downlink quantum key distribution and keyless communication using CubeSats
- Quantum multi-state Swap Test: an algorithm for estimating overlaps of arbitrary number quantum states
- On validity of quantum partial adiabatic search
- Synergy between noisy quantum computers and scalable classical deep learning for quantum error mitigation
- A meta-trained generator for quantum architecture search
Coming soon