Satellite Design book – “Low Earth Orbit Satellite Design” (Springer, 2018) – George Sebestyen interview

Check out the book here.

Dr. George Sebestyen is a satellite engineer and he’s designed satellites for decades. We discussed his latest co-authored book on Low Earth Orbit Satellite Design. Check out the book here.

0:37 – George talks about how he got into writing on space industry.

2:17 – George talks about the book and the design of low earth orbit satellites.

3:30 – The book aims at the hardware design for satellites.

4:01 – George talks about what challenges he sees in space industry. He says there are too many companies trying to succeed in the industry.

7:16 – George talks about significant technological advances in satellite design in the last ten years.

9:15 – George talks about cubestats and how they are more affordable for certain institutions.

13:11 – George talks about 3D printing and satellite parts. He also talks about propulsion

16:46 – George talks about how frequency allocation can affect satellite design.

18:26 – George says that cleaning satellite debris is far off.

20:35 – George talks about constellation designs and exciting new developments in the space industry.

22:01 – George talks about consolidation in the satellite construction business.

24:15 – George talks about technology transfer between government and the private industry.

25:50 – George talks about Chinese launch and satellite building capabilities.

Links of interest

Check out the book here.

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Guests: George Sebestyen

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: space, exploration, commercialization, science, satellites, surveillance, ground stations, NASA, air force, navy, communications, cubesats, de-orbiting, solar panels, attitude control, imaging satellites, ground communications, radiation, hydrozine, radio frequency interference, china, chinese space program

Check out the book here.

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