- Characterization and modeling of GNSS site-specific unmodeled errors under reflection and diffraction using a data-driven approach
- Aerodynamic loading on sharp and blunt trailing-edged rotor blades at high advance ratio
- Tightly coupled VLP/INS integrated navigation by inclination estimation and blockage handling
- Lateral-directional wind tunnel tests of the PROSIB 19-pax aircraft model
- Sidewalk matching: a smartphone-based GNSS positioning technique for pedestrians in urban canyons
- BIG: a framework integrating brain-inspired geometry cell for long-range exploration and navigation
- Stepwise autonomous orbit determination of large LEO constellations by GNSS observations with partial inter-satellite ranging
- Numerical simulation of fluid–structure interaction for solid rocket engine nozzle ablation
- An improved carrier-phase-based method for precise time synchronization using the observations from the China Space Station-ground synchronization system
- Inductive transfer-learning of high-fidelity aerodynamics from inviscid panel methods
- Visual-inertial navigation assisted by a single UWB anchor with an unknown position
- Study on rapid calculation and imaging simulation of aircraft infrared radiation characteristics
- Equatorial plasma bubble model and integrity risk evaluation for ground based augmentation system in Hong Kong
- A novel wall interference correction method for airfoil
- A reliable NLOS error identification method based on LightGBM driven by multiple features of GNSS signals
- Numerical simulation of turbulent airflow around a tall telecommunication tower model
- Recent development of integrated design and improving methods of waverider and inlet
- Comparative study on predicting turbulent kinetic energy budget using high-order upwind scheme and non-dissipative central scheme
- Influence of the shock wave-turbulence interaction on the swirl distortion in hypersonic inlet
- GNSS/IMU/LO integration with a new LO error model and lateral constraint for navigation in urban areas
- Multiscale simulation of rarefied gas dynamics via direct intermittent GSIS-DSMC coupling
- On the effects of non-zero yaw on leading-edge tubercled wings
- A novel global grid model for soil moisture retrieval considering geographical disparity in spaceborne GNSS-R
- Wind-resistant design theory and safety guarantee for large oil and gas storage tanks in coastal areas
- Analysis of the gain factors of 5G-assisted BDS RTK positioning in urban environments
- A dual-base station constraint method to improve deformation monitoring precision consistency in strip regions
- High-precision GPS orbit determination by integrating the measurements from regional ground stations and LEO onboard receivers
- Multi-frequency smartphone positioning performance evaluation: insights into A-GNSS PPP-B2b services and beyond
- Open-jet facility for bio-inspired micro-air-vehicle flight experiment at low speed and high turbulence intensity
- Rapid early afterslip characteristics of the 2010 moment magnitude (Mw) 8.8 Maule earthquake determined with sub-daily GPS solutions
- Numerical simulation and analysis of a ducted-fan drone hovering in confined environments
- Subcarrier modulated navigation signal processing in GNSS: a review
- Multipath mitigation for GPS/Galileo/BDS-3 precise point positioning with overlap-frequency signals
- Multiple integer candidates ambiguity resolution: a unification ambiguity resolution algorithm
- Effect of tip clearance on non-synchronous propagating flow disturbances of compressor rotors under high aerodynamic loading conditions
- Direct numerical simulation of supersonic boundary layer transition induced by gap-type roughness
- Navigation performance analysis of Earth–Moon spacecraft using GNSS, INS, and star tracker
- Supersonic combustion flow field reconstruction in a scramjet based on deep learning method
- Crater formation and particle ejection induced by supersonic jet impingement in near-vacuum
- Low-thrust under-actuated satellite formation guidance and control strategies
- Prescribed-time fault-tolerant tracking control for quadrotor UAV with guaranteed performance
- Combustion and microexplosion characteristics in droplets of kerosene with boron nanoparticles and 1-pentanol
- Electrodynamic attitude stabilization of a satellite in an indirect position
- Investigations on the competition between acoustic and intrinsic thermoacoustic modes due to multi-flame interaction
- Composite anti-unwinding sliding mode attitude tracking control for rigid spacecraft: a prescribed-time method
- Impedance control in serial-parallel hybrid space robots for assembly operations
- Effect of resistive exercise combined with vibration on body composition and energy balance – Results from the 21-day MNX bedrest study
- Planning and optimal control of a venus variable altitude aerobot
- Hall-Effect Thruster System of Fully Water Propellant with Microwave Discharge Cathode
- 3D numerical and experimental investigation of hypervelocity impacts on dual bumper plate whipple shields for spacecraft protection
- Study on the interaction mechanism between incident oblique shock wave and transpiration cooling and optimization of porosity
- Kriging-assisted valid-screening optimization (KVSO) to study optimal steering strategies for multi-struts aircraft
- Anomaly Detection of Spacecraft Inertial Measurement Units Based on Multi-Scale Dependency Neural Network
- Exploring cardiovascular health and alternative biological fluid sampling methods in extreme environments: Lessons from a 12-Day Mars Analog Mission
- Deep learning on 3D point clouds for fast pose estimation during satellite rendezvous
- To Seed or Not to Seed: Estimating the Ethical Value of Directed Panspermia
- Ephemeris refinement of low-energy Earth–Moon transfers via an astrodynamic model chain
- Reinforcement learning of composite disturbance observer based tracking control for unmanned aerial helicopter under outside disturbances
- A strategy for enhancing ignition of aviation fuels at high altitudes using nanoparticle and fuel-soluble catalysts
- From Bluff Bodies to Optimal Airfoils: Numerically Stabilized RANS Solvers for Reliable Shape Optimization
- Air Curtains for Landing Gear Noise Reduction
- Metal and metalloid production from lunar regolith simulants via carbothermal reduction: Thermodynamic and experimental analyses
- A synergetic control scheme for tether tugging deorbiting with attachment points switching
- Control Allocation Problem Transformation Approaches for Over-actuated Vectored Thrust VTOLs
- Studying Body-Freedom Flutter Mechanism via a Rigid-Elastic Aeroelastic Model of Reduced-Order
- Event-Triggered-Based Fixed-Time Time-Varying Formation Tracking Control for Heterogeneous UAVs-UGVs Systems with Unmeasurable Velocities and Unknown Disturbances
- Dynamical Modelling of NASA's ACS3 Solar Sail Mission
- The protective effects of hyperbaric oxygen on ionising radiation injury: A systematic review
- A few-shot deep learning framework for predicting high-velocity impact response of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber-reinforced composites
- A structural damage identification model with finite thermomechanical sensors of the re-entry module
- A theory of functional connections-based method for orbital pursuit-evasion games with analytic satisfaction of rendezvous constraints
- Near-asteroid spacecraft formation control with prescribed-performance: a dynamic event-triggered reinforcement learning control approach
- Multiphysics coupling in the thermoacoustically unstable PRECCINSTA burner described using Doak's Momentum Potential Theory
- Helix orbit deployment of nanosatellites for formation flight: Strategy, GNSS/TLEs Evaluation, and Accuracy Analysis
- Attitude control and online estimation of unknown mass properties for captured debris with a flexible spacecraft
- A Mesh Reflector Design Method With Triangle-Quadrangle Mixture Based on Electromagnetic Performance
- Nonlinear bending of sandwich plates with deep learning inverse-designed 3D auxetic lattice core
- Designing a Variable Camber Wing Trailing Edge with Initially Curved Beams
- Robust parameter design for rocket boosters using deep Gaussian process
- Electrical Energy Injection and Ignition Mechanism of Hydroxylamine Nitrate-Based Electrically Controlled Solid Propellant
- Autonomous shape modeling of small bodies using infrared image silhouettes
- Aerodynamic-driven active maneuver morphing and flight control of multi-body full-wing layout UAV with disturbance and model uncertainty
- Thermal Non-equilibrium Nonlinear Coupled Constitutive Relations for Hypersonic Rarefied Diatomic Gas Flows
- Assessing turbulence model budgets in supersonic rectangular jets using Large Eddy Simulations
- A proposed methodology for diverterless supersonic inlet aerodynamic integration with a generic forebody
- Crater maturity differences connected to optical morphology former lunar landing sites
- Rigid–flexible coupling dynamics modeling and fractional-order sliding mode control for large space solar power stations
- Control Allocation Design for Equal Control Sensitivity of Tiltrotor Aircraft
- A hybrid single-loop approach combining the target beta-hypersphere sampling and active learning Kriging for reliability-based design optimization
- Dynamic modeling of liquid-filled free-floating space robot and joint trajectory planning with considering liquid positioning
- A validation framework for orbit uncertainty propagation using real satellite data applied to orthogonal probability approximation
- Planetary protection trades and lessons learned from designing Mars sample return’s capture, containment, and return system
- Generalized Newton/Jacobian-free/Krylov Iteration-based Successive Convexification for Rapid Trajectory Optimization
- Effect of Wing Sweep and Asymmetry on Flight Dynamics of a Sweep-Morphing Aircraft
- Dynamic characteristics of a rotor system supported by squeeze film dampers during maneuvering flight: simulation and experiment
- Iterative BEMT Analysis Extended to Model Coaxial Rotor Aerodynamic Performance in Hover
- Guidance strategies to deploy a Lunar Navigation Constellation from Gateway
- Comparison between direct and indirect measurements for externally wetted electrospray thruster with adapted analytical balance
- Spray characteristics of gel containing nanoparticles in impinging jet injectors
- Molecular dynamics simulation of aluminum combustion in an oxygen environment under electric field
- The Lorentz force-based control of a spacecraft formation flying using the harmonic charging law
- Rigid-flexible coupled dynamics and configuration stability of maneuverable space tether net under impact loads
- FFS-CDPR: A free-floating simulator based on cable-driven parallel robots coordinating vibration from discontinuous external wrench
- SatSORT: Online multi-spacecraft visual tracking algorithm
- Gird-search-based neural network modeling of piezoelectric hysteresis for gravitational wave inertial sensor
- China’s Space Station and International Law-Making
- Aerothermal performance of different relative positions of holes and ribs of a flat-plate film cooling hole with a straight-ribbed crossflow coolant channel
- Numerical investigation of the velocity-coupled response of propellant burning rate in a solid rocket motor
- Influence of Flame Collisions with Pressure Waves on Tulip Flame Formation and its Evolution in Tubes with Non-Slip Walls
- Simplified Integrated Model of the Flight Dynamics of Flexible Aircraft
- Physical Investigation on the Sound Transmission Loss of Heterogeneous Metastructures using Wave-based Methodologies
- Effect of moist air non-equilibrium condensation on airfoil performance based on a novel model
- A multiple layer enhanced quasi-zero stiffness vibration isolator with magnetically modulated nonlinear stiffness
- Italian Spring Accelerometer measurements of unexpected Non Gravitational Perturbation during BepiColombo second Venus swing-by
- An Intelligent Prediction Method for Supersonic Flow Field in Scramjet Isolator Enhanced by Feature Details
- Atomization of Gel Propellants using a Hartmann Whistle Injector
- Aeroacoustics evaluation and mechanism of Krueger flap
- Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the forced start-up procedure of H2O2/ kerosene gas generator cycle rocket engine system
- The Influence of Different Initial Parameters on the Operational Characteristics of a Kerosene/Air Two-Phase Rotating Detonation Engine
- Efficient Modal Parameter Identification Using DMD-DBSCAN and Rank Stabilization Diagrams
- Properties of novel LX lunar regolith simulant system - the base simulants: Part 1
- Heaterless LaB6 Lollipop Hollow Cathode for Center-Mounting in Hall Thrusters
- A Design Methodology for Flat Slab Lunar Landing and Launch Pad Systems
- Effects of Exercise Intervention on Executive Function in 90-day Head-Down Bed Rest
- LEIA: NASA’s first biological mission on the lunar surface since 1972
- The Fifth Volta Congress, Rome 1935. The Birth of Supersonic Aerodynamics
- Experimental and numerical investigation on the impact response of a riveted structure subjected to bird strike
- Modeling Impact of Drones on Flat Plates
- Research on inverse design method of pitching moment for the scramjet nozzle under strong geometric constraint
- Two-stage Three-dimensional Obstacle Avoidance and Impact Angle Control Guidance Law
- Bird Strike Resistance Analysis for Engine Fan Blade Filled with Triply Periodic Minimal Surface
- Three-dimensional Cooperative Guidance Strategy for Heterogeneous Vehicles Without Prior Communication Topology Establishment
- Recent Advancements in Morphing Applications: Architecture, Artificial Intelligence Integration, Challenges, and Future Trends- A Comprehensive Survey
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Method for High-speed Helicopter Power System Based on Integrated Onboard Model
- Investigation on Transonic Buffet of Airfoil within Ground Effect
- Development of the Minimal Biorobotic Stealth Distance and Its Role in Optimizing Direct-Drive Dragonfly-Inspired Aircraft Design
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Spraying Performance of an Agricultural Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Fixed-Time Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control With Predefined Tracking Accuracy For Satellite Systems
- Modeling and full-speed range transition strategy for a compound helicopter
- Full Infrared Band Shock Layer Radiation Noise Analysis of a High-Speed Vehicle at High Altitude Based on Virtual Detection Array Method
- Enhancing Air Traffic Complexity Assessment through Deep Metric Learning: A CNN-Based Approach
- Adaptive Wind Direction Strategy for Neuro-Network-Based Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Tandem Twin-Rotor Aerial-aquatic Vehicle
- The correlations between the thermodynamic variables in hypersonic turbulent boundary layers of a lifting body
- Mechanism of the isolator compression constraint on the operating boundary of a dual-mode scramjet engine
- Single action control for oleo-pneumatic shock absorbers in CS-23 aircraft
- +Improving specific impulse of Hall thruster by pulse power technology
- Hypergolic Solid Propellant Using NaBH4/KNO3 with Paraffin for HTP-based Hybrid Rockets
- Sintering of Lunar Regolith: A Review
- Configuration acquisition of gravitational wave detector based on differential geometry guidance
- Finite-time attitude tracking control for rigid spacecraft subject to angular velocity constraints and input magnitude and rate saturation
- Optimal fault-tolerant control of reusable launch vehicle with actuator faults using zero-sum differential game theory
- Improving Efficiency in CubeSat mass Production: A Modular and Standardized Approach
- Preliminary analysis and design of an optical space surveillance and tracking constellation for LEO coverage
- Speeding up heterogeneous binary asteroid system propagation through the physics-informed neural network
- Microgravity's Grip: Transforming Plant-Microbe Interactions for Space Sustainability
- Technical Aspects of an International Space Traffic Management Framework
- Insertion error correction and configuration maintenance optimization for geocentric gravitational wave detectors
- Investigation on acceleration process of field reversed configuration plasmoid in an electrodeless Lorentz force thruster using Magnetohydrodynamics simulation
- Differential Game-based Fault-tolerant Formation Tracking-containment Control for Fixed-wing UAVs
- Deep Learning Based Flow Field Reconstruction Study in the Isolator of Rocket Based Combined Cycle Engine
- Impact of Atmospheric Turbulence on Typical Shaped Booms
- An Improved Approach for Aerodynamic Optimization Considering WIG Effect and Height Static Stability
- Extension of graph-accelerated non-intrusive polynomial chaos to high-dimensional uncertainty quantification through the active subspace method
- Hierarchical reinforcement learning method for long-horizon path planning of stratospheric airship
- Non-overshooting Fixed Time Control of Free-Flying Space Robotic Manipulators with output constraints: An Inverse Optimal Approach
- A study from aviation to suborbital point-to-point transport and tourism to orbital tourism
- SpacesuitPose: Deep learning-based spacesuit pose estimation in extravehicular activities from monocular images
- Numerical simulation of droplets collision with account of surface tension at axisymmetric statement
- A volume-ratio index for sensitivity analysis of time-dependent models with interval uncertainty inputs
- Characterization of metal products from the molten salt electrolysis of lunar highland regolith simulants
- Cooling Characteristics of Opposing Jet-Transpiration Cooling Combined System with Variable Mass Flow Rate Distribution
- Mission analysis for the Radiation Environment Monitor for Energetic Cosmic rays (REMEC) mission
- The Basic Data Processing for KPLO Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (KGRS)
- Space capacity management and its interaction with space traffic management
- A Hybrid Discretization Strategy for Successive Convex Programming in Skip Entry Trajectory Optimization
- Adaptive Reset Control for Group-bipartite Formation of Multi-UAVs subject to Transmission Delays
- Assessment of prevalent vortex-center detection criteria for the compensation of wandering motion of wingtip vortices
- Parameter Correction and Ground Testing of Large-scale Space Structure
- Automatic Carrier Landing Control of Carrier-based UAV under Actuator Failure Condition
- Adaptive Robust Fault-Tolerant Control for A Small Size Unmanned Helicopter: Theory and Experimental Implementation
- Operation characteristics of Miniature Gas Turbine with a Pulse Combustor
- Design exploration of UAM vehicles
- Dynamic Performance of Composite Laminate Wing Beam Structures of Aeronautical Engineering with Complex Geometrical Profiles
- Study on the impact of the potential variation in the CSES satellite platform on Langmuir probe observations
- Investigation on the mechanism of simulated microgravity promoting rat cerebral angiogenesis based on proteomics
- Buckling optimization of non-uniformly distributed curved grid-stiffened helicoidal composite panels with cutouts
- Predicting Uncertainty in Vision-Based Satellite Pose Estimation using Deep Evidential Regression
- Robust trajectory tracking control of a quadrotor under external disturbances and dynamic parameter uncertainties using a hybrid P-PID controller tuned with ant colony optimization
- Use of Multi-Test Strategy to Obtain Heat Transfer Coefficient and Adiabatic Wall Temperature Simultaneously in Shock Tunnel for Transonic Flow over a Flat Plate
- Model Incremental Learning of Flight Dynamics Enhanced by Sample Management
- Cure or Curse? Simulation Indicates that Microbes Proliferate under Disinfection Measures in the Space Station
- Integrated Packing Modeling for Efficient Optimization of Multispacecraft Successive Rendezvous
- Spray angle prediction model for a multi-slit type throttleable gas–liquid pintle injector
- Systematic Methodology for the Preliminary Design of Future Rotary VTOL Martian Aerobots
- The Italian microsatellite mission LICIACube as an enabler for innovative strategies in Interplanetary Exploration and Planetary Defense
- A passive negative stiffness amplifying damping system for vibration control of cable-net structures
- New Public-Private Partnership Based on the Interactive Collaboration in the Space Sector
- Event-triggered orbital and attitude station-keeping control for near-asteroid spacecraft
- Autonomous station keeping of satellites in areostationary Mars orbit: A predictive control approach
- Joint observation and transmission scheduling of multiple agile satellites with energy constraint using improved ACO algorithm
- A comprehensive transient fluid-solid coupled numerical model for hybrid rocket nozzle erosion and its experimental validation
- Spray characteristics of pintle injector with high gas-liquid momentum ratio
- On the feasibility of spherical magnetic liquid mirror telescopes
- Hybrid lunar ISRU plant: A comparative analysis with carbothermal reduction and water extraction
- A predictive model for reaction wheel assembly microvibration
- A comprehensive assessment of rocket body related space debris and discussion of suitable means of risk reduction
- Design and optimization of self-sensing voice coil actuator for spacecraft micro-vibration isolation
- Balancing commercialization and sustainability in outer space: Addressing new challenges
- A collaborative path planning approach for multiple robots persistently building a lunar base
- Aerodynamics and ice tolerance of the large passenger aircraft advanced rear end forward swept horizontal tailplane with leading edge extension
- Dynamic Event-Triggered Prescribed-time Optimized Backstepping Attitude Consensus Tracking Control for Multiple Spacecrafts
- 6-D Pose Tracking within A Quadplane Swarm Using Particle Filter with KAPAO Network and 3D-Error Enhancement
- Adaptive actor-critic network-based appointed-time attitude stabilization under actuator faults and dual-state constraints
- Adaptive fuzzy finite-time control for a QUAV with tracking error constraints and unknown actuator faults
- Singularity-Avoidance Adaptive Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Predefined-Time Cooperative Formation Control for Multiple QUAVs
- Thermal stability of hafnia-containing ceramics for high temperature coatings
- Large eddy simulation of compound angle film cooling with round holes embedded in ginkgo-shaped craters
- An Investigation on Bleed Flow Control of an Axisymmetric Supersonic Intake Based on Parametric Outline Optimization Design
- In-Flight Measurements of Lightning Locations Using an Aircraft-Mounted Lightning Mapper
- Effects of uniform profile tolerance on aerodynamic performance eligibility of high subsonic cascade
- Explicit solution for the attitude motion of a bias momentum satellite under Bdot magnetic damping
- On flight instabilities of capsule-rigid parachute system during supersonic planetary descent
- Augmenting Mesh-based Data-driven Models with Physics Gradients
- Load split design strategy of tandem stators in a highly loaded micro axial compressor
- Structural topology optimization of aircraft wing leading edge fabricated of multilayer composites
- Numerical study on plasma layer manipulation for blackout mitigation by pulsed magnetic field
- Ballistic protection and damage mechanism of ceramic composite armor under two-dimensional pre-stressed constraints by molten metal casting
- Research on Integrated Design Method of Wide-Range Hypersonic Vehicle/Engine Based on Dynamic Multi-Objective Optimization
- Multidisciplinary design optimization of the first-stage waverider based on boost-glide flight trajectory
- Attitude Control of Variable Swept-Wing Aircraft: A Novel Composite Control Strategy
- Fixed-time attitude control of flying-wing unmanned aerial vehicles based on plasma control surface
- Unsteady Aerodynamic Performance of Tandem Configurations of Three Flapping and Fixed Airfoils
- Enhancing the combustion performance of solid propellants by external magnetic field
- Study of the optimal natural frequency ratio of a hawkmoth-like flapping wing
- Improved extended disturbance observer-based integral backstepping sliding mode control for quadrotor slung-load system
- Nonlinear dynamic inversion control with unknown control effectiveness and actuator dynamic
- Aircraft Dynamics Modeling at High Angles of Attack Incorporating Residual Transformer Autoencoder and Physical Mechanisms